Monday, September 3, 2018

Sometimes Monday ...

... is a day of Labor in Maryland.

We've refinished a desk,

finished the pad so the new shed can be delivered tomorrow,

and best of all, John built clothesline poles for me and cemented them in. I can't wait to hang laundry out when the cement is dried and set. 

I mowed the lawn while he was working on the clothesline, and at 93 degrees and 73% humidity, that definitely felt like labor. Here's hoping your Labor Day is relaxing and enjoyable.


  1. Wow! That's a lot of things accomplished. This heat and humidity is making me crazy. Hope to see (meet!!) you next Saturday at the New Jersey festival!

  2. Oh Now I want a clothesline. Perhaps on my porch??

    1. I think everyone's life is better with a clothesline, wherever you can fit it in! :-)

  3. I envy your clothesline! Here in Northern Virginia, where I live - we are not allowed to have them....

    Linda in VA

  4. That's a lot of work! I hope you are coming to the end of all the heavy work one has to do for a new house, but alas, alack, lawn mowing will not go away until it gets much cooler. Enjoy the rest of your LD, rest, relax, and have a beer!

  5. I think the best part about Labor is the Rest that follows ... hope you've found some of that. (and I am also a bit jealous of the clothesline ... we don't have them here, either.0

  6. So I would say working in that humidity earns you an ice cold beer. The desk is beautiful.

  7. Pruned plants, weeded the front garden bed, hung valances --- which wasn't too bad because at least THAT job was in the a/c. Tried to clean the fireplace and found that the shopvac blows the dust/grit/ashes right out the back end. Dusted the living room .........vacuumed up the mess and vowed to never use the fireplace. LOL

  8. Hooray for outside clotheslines - they should be a compulsory thing I think everywhere!!

    1. I think I would have a difficult time living without one!

  9. Nothing like clothes (and sheets!) dried outside on a clothesline. You definitely earned two beers for mowing the lawn in that heat and humidity!

  10. Ooo! Nice new clothes line! But, mowing... oy. In that heat! I hope you enjoyed an ice cold beer or two!

  11. There is nothing better than having a clothesline!

  12. Oh man, I hope you rewarded yourself with a good, cold brew (or two) after that!!

  13. You definitely deserve a break and a beer after that mowing!!! Love your desk -- and your new clothesline! (They are not allowed in my neighborhood . . . can you believe that??? Like . . . it's listed right in the "thou shalt not" section of the rules!)

  14. I hope your beer was deliciously refreshing!

  15. I've often wondered if I talk my condo into a communal clothes line if anyone would use it or if I would never find an empty spot to hang my own clothes. Hope you found time to enjoy some Holiday downtime!


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