Monday, August 20, 2018

Sometimes Monday ...

... is a bit of a jumble. The yarn for the MDK blanket that Kat is leading arrived while I was gone, but between unpacking, laundry, picking from our garden gone rampant, and blanching and freezing 10 gallons of string beans, I didn't have time to package and mail it to the recipients on Saturday. So the yarn made the trip to Maryland with me, and I will be exploring my new neighborhood a bit more when I walk the mile to the post office with my 12 packages. If you're participating, get your needles ready for a square or two!

I did notice something interesting while I was checking out the yarn. I've been thinking I might need to knit an afghan this winter for the new furniture down here. When I dumped out the huge bag of yarn, I started considering how well the colors went with the plain grayish-brown sofa. We also have a chair with lots of multicolored circles on the upholstery, and I think this potential afghan could work perfectly if I add a nice deep red. I just might be ordering yarn for myself (as soon as I finish a Match & Move and several Hitchhikers).  :-)


  1. That's as good a reason as any to explore a bit more of the 'hood! Looking forward to receiving my package. Haha! I love it... the addition of a nice red will be PERFECT for your new afghan.

  2. The afghan will be gorgeous! Love all those colors. Have fun exploring.

  3. Nice to see you back! Hope you had a good trip and that your son is doing well. Of _course_ you checked out the yarn to see if you covet it. It would make a good afghan, especially with the addition of a dark? red, and I think I would like the addition of the dark teal as well, or is that green? Hard to tell with the monitor translation. It's Monday, let's set our intentions for the week, and I hope you have a very good one.

  4. Welcome back! And, those colors are spectacularly perfect!!

  5. I'm coming down to steal that chair! Looking forward to the knit...welcome home!

  6. I also like the chair and think an afghan from the yarns you've selected would be a great addition to the room! You've been missed! Every day I would check to see if you were around and hoped you'd return soon! You did!

  7. SO HAPPY to have you back! (I almost wrote "home" but I wasn't sure... are you home? do you have two "homes"?) I'm really happy we went with that yarn - it's wonderful for home (and little kid) projects. and yes! love the colors with your chair (love the chair, too!) ... any chance you might consider crocheting an afghan instead of knitting it? ;-)

  8. May your MDK blanket be amazing. May it be a joy to knit. Thrilled with your colors. Berocco makes great products

    1. Thanks, Kathy! I didn't choose the colors, but I do love them and now want some for myself!

  9. I love that pattern on your chair! We are contemplating new furniture for our smallish living room and I'm thinking that we may go with a sofa in a solid color with two chairs in a pattern. We've always had a sofa a loveseat combo before but it's time for more flexibility! Those yarn colors will be great with your furniture!

  10. Wow those colors do match your furniture! I have not knit with that yarn and am looking forward to giving it a try. And ten gallons of string beans. They will make for good eating this winter. I made a little tomato sauce - 8 pints. I also did an old fashion water bath canning of 7 pints of tomatoes. My tomato crop was scant this year.

  11. love the colors and I think you should knit a blanket!!! how cosy would that be??

  12. I like seeing all the colors together! I think they'll be ideal for the blanket --- AND even better right there in your own living room. (I LOVE the upholstery pattern you have. Oh, man. Do I want new furniture . . . )


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