Monday, August 6, 2018

Sometimes Monday ...

... is for dealing with mountains of the mundane.

(and this doesn't include the load of towels that's already in the washing machine.)
Happy Laundry Day!


  1. Ha! That was my yesterday.....and the towels did not get done....guess what I'll be doing tonight?

  2. Dale does the laundry if it's clothes, I do sheets and towels. It's a pain but I remind myself how much more work it would be if I didn't have the modern convenience of a washer and dryer and that helps!

  3. It never ceases to astound me how much laundry 2 people can make! Have a good Monday :)

  4. But ..... the good side. Laundry smells so GOOD fresh from the dryer.

  5. Truth. Monday is basically a "catch-up" day after a weekend of everyone being home. Hope you have a wonderful day catching up.
    xx Beca

  6. That's exactly what I am doing today!

  7. Oh my, that looks familiar. I had a houseful over the weekend -- lots of cooking and water play -- lots of towels, napkins, and wet clothes. I had to manually recycle the water softener yesterday!

  8. Though Doug does the laundry I managed a load this weekend. Of course I had an ulterior motive...stock piling the clean clothes for vacation!

  9. Ah. Yes. Plenty of The Mundane happening right here right now! :-)

  10. Mundane Mundays. mine included that too (although I did have Marc to fold :-)

  11. I hear you on that! My Monday is all things mundane (except for Mylo!). :)

  12. All I can say is thank goodness for washing machines and dryers, especially on Monday.


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