
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ten on Tuesday

Since yesterday was Columbus Day, the Ten On Tuesday topic for today is 10 Things You Did This Weekend. It wasn't really a long weekend for me, but Carole did give us plenty of notice, so I had time to plan some things for my list. (And I knew why the post office was closed!) I didn't do anything terribly exciting or thrilling, but I did have a wonderful weekend while I:

  1. Cooked down (and boiled over!) some tomatoes I had frozen for sauce.
  2. Snipped some mint and started it inside for mint tea this winter.
  3. Put the amaryllis to bed for their rest.
  4. Paged through garden catalogs trying to decide what new amaryllis bulbs I might want.
  5. Brought the rest of my plants indoors for the winter. I move all of them outside for the summer, but bringing them back in before frost requires finding places for them, shoving furniture around, cleaning and dusting, and some heavy lifting for the overgrown Norfolk Island pines that have a strong will to live. 
  6. Took some walks looking for fall foliage. Most of our leaves are still green, but I found a few maples looking showy.
  7. Collected acorns on my walks and put them in damp sphagnum moss in the refrigerator for stratification and germination.
  8. Said goodbye to Justin as he headed back to NY state for his internship.
  9. Recovered from a cold. It was just a cold, but the cough is lingering...and keeping me up at night.
  10. Knit.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend, long or not!


  1. That sounds like a really nice fall weekend. I didn't realize that Columbus Day isn't widely recognized as a holiday. Here in MA there is no school, libraries and other town offices are closed, and it's sort of the official start of fall with lots of festivals and apple picking and stuff.

  2. Oh that sounds like a really nice weekend! The tomato sauce looks pretty yummy.

  3. I did not have the day off either. :-( Looks like a fabulous weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing how that acorn experiment goes! Great picture!

  4. Sorry you've been sick with a cold. Lovely photos!

  5. Love your bowl of acorns. Acorns are rare around here as we have few oaks or maples. Our fall colors are mostly gold, but beautiful. Holiday? I barely noticed. Hope you continue to feel better!

  6. No day off here, either! Have you grown oaks (or any other trees) from seed before?

  7. I too love your bowl of acorns! I think I will try and gather some up and do the same!

    Linda in VA

  8. Oh, I *talked* about making sauce, but I never did get around to it this weekend. I can almost smell yours when I look at the photo.

  9. I hope the acorns do their thing - oak trees are lovely for shade in the summer and show in the fall! and that you're back to 100%...

  10. I hope you are feeling much better by now. Colds are tough I think as we get older.. I bet it was hard to say goodbye :(


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