
Monday, October 19, 2015

Fall Light

It's been an upsetting, unsettling, and disquieting week, but while returning home from running errands I was treated to an amazing sight. Driving along Lake Nockamixon, I was struck by the golden glow coming from the lake. I quickly turned around, drove down to the shore to see what was going on, and was rewarded by this beauty.

I wish you could have seen it in person, as my photos don't come near to doing the scene justice. I was passing the lake at just the right time and the glow from the near-setting sun on the trees and the reflection was simply incredible. I spent nearly half an hour along the water's edge, taking photos, lying flat on the ground to try and best capture the reflections, and just enjoying the views. What a treat to be in the right place at the right time, and be privy to something so awe-inspiring.


  1. Your photos are gorgeous. I'm sorry it's been a difficult week for you.

  2. Nature does its best to bring calm, peace, and awe when we need it most. Sending good thoughts your way.

  3. That's gorgeous! I hope this week is better.

  4. golden light ... so glad you were able to see it, savor it...and share it with us. sending wishes for peace and warm virtual hug, M.

  5. Oh, Bonny! How lovely. What a treat that you were able to find such a beautiful sight during an otherwise upsetting week. I hope things are sorting out, and that you're feeling better this week. XO

  6. I hope things are improving. Beautiful pictures

  7. simply gorgeous and I'm glad you stopped to take it all in!!


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