
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten On Tuesday topic for today is 10 Things You Take In A Travel Tote Bag. I'm traveling later this week, so this will be an easy list. I'm a devoted carry-on passenger, never checking luggage unless I absolutely have to, so I'm going to list the things I'm putting in my carry-on.

  1. My wallet with driver's license.
  2. My boarding pass. I always think that if I've got this and my photo i.d., I can buy anything else I might have forgotten.
  3. My phone. I finally got a smart phone several months ago, and now I'm wondering why I didn't do it sooner. I love having everything (boarding pass, travel info., camera, phone numbers, email, etc.) right in my hand.
  4. Chargers for electronic devices. Since my phone and ipod are necessities, the chargers are important.
  5. The book I'm reading/listening to. This time it's Career of Evil, the new Cormoran Strike novel. I'm thankful to Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling) for publishing it just when I need a good book to travel with.
  6. My knitting. I'm traveling to Colorado for a belated birthday visit to Ryan, so my plane knitting is a pair of fingerless mitts for him that I hope to finish, at least before I leave to come back home.
  7. Clothing. Minimal and multi-purpose, this time it will be a spare pair of jeans, several corduroy shirts, and one of my Hitchhikers. 
  8. Medication. If I have travel-size Excedrin and Sudafed, a headache and allergies won't spoil the fun.
  9. Toiletries. The usual accoutrements, plus hand sanitizer to get rid of germs.
  10. Extra room. I'm visiting Ryan, but also The Loopy Ewe. I'm taking a few presents for him, so that means I'll have room on the way back for a skein or two of yarn!
Thanks for helping me get organized to pack a few days early, Carole! I'm looking forward to reading everyone's lists today so I can see if there is anything important I've forgotten.


  1. Carryon is definitely the way to go. I can't wait to see what comes home with you in the Empty Room! Enjoy your time with Ryan and safe (and smooth!) travels!

  2. Excellent list. I wish I could be a carry on only girl but the damn can of hairspray is too big to get through security.

  3. Argh! We went to Colorado this summer and I did not get to The Loopy Ewe, as I totally forgot they were there. Grrrr!! I guess I will have to go back.

    And I love #2. Before I had kids, I went to a lot of undeveloped places on trips, so I got used to carrying anything I might need. Once I had kids, no matter where we went, there always needed to be extra diapers and kid supplies. Now that they are older and we are traveling in the US, I've very much adopted the attitude in #2 - if I really need it, I can buy it.

  4. Oh my word! I just got a smartphone a couple of weeks ago and I LOVE it! I've been putting my grocery list right into it.

    YES!!! Chargers. I've forgotten them before and it is a pain.

    I love the extra room for on the way home. It seems I always pick up some extra things to bring back.

    Have a great trip!

  5. I'd like to get in your carry-on! Have a great trip, breakfast at Snooze if you've not been, and woo hoo to the Loopy Ewe! And funny, I never carry-on. I'm too afraid I'd never be able to stick the luggage in the rack and I'd be one of "those" people! :-)

  6. Great list, Bonny. And have a wonderful time at the Loopy Ewe (oops . . . I mean with Ryan)! :-)

  7. Having everything I needed in one carry on AND getting smart phone were the best lessons in 2014. Loopy Ewe or bust! Have fun.

  8. Love planning for new yarn on a road trip

  9. I downloaded Career of Evil moments ago, can't wait to start listening!

  10. I'm excited that you are saving room for.....Y A R N. nice!!


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