
Friday, October 9, 2015

He's Back!

There's mud from Montana...

and layers of bugs collected along the way...

but after several 14-hour days of driving, Justin is home. For a few days, anyway. He leaves again on Sunday to head back to New York state for the second stint of his internship, but it's wonderful to have him home and back in the same time zone.

I'll be enjoying a wonderful couple days with Justin home, and hope everyone has a terrific weekend!


  1. Justin will likely be filling up on mom's home cooking until he heads out again! How wonderful you have a few days with him! Have a great weekend, Bonny!

  2. So glad to hear he's arrived safely! (Are you doing his laundry, by any chance?) Have a wonderful weekend. XO

  3. I'm glad to hear of his safe arrival. Enjoy this time with him!

  4. so glad to hear he made it safely home! I'm sure you'll be taking great care of him this weekend (food and laundry?) ... and hope he has some wonderful stories to share.

  5. yay for having him HOME, enjoy your time together and hopefully he'll be back again soon :)

  6. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and lots of smiles. Boy it does a mother good doesn't it? :-)

  7. Oh, I feel you! My daughter's been all over lately -- a trip to MT/ID/CO/MN, followed by another to NC. I'm so thankful for our ability to keep in touch. Glad he's home and you have some time before the next thing!


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