
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Quarter Century!

Twenty five years ago, one of the very best things in my life happened; Ryan was born!

He spent much of his adolescence engrossed in video games,
 and still loves any free time he can steal to enjoy the diversion.

He likes to find places far from the madding crowd.
The standing ovation he received at graduation was a well-deserved 
recognition of all his hard work, motivation, and responsibility.

Ryan does difficult math and loves it.

He has always liked looking for and finding good rocks,

and still enjoys the search. (Living in Colorado is perfect for this!)

This is one of Ryan's photos; he says he identifies most strongly with the
 goose on the right. (He definitely knows how to think for himself!)

Happy 25th Birthday, Ryan!
Thank you for giving me the privilege of being your mother, 
and thank you for being such a wonderful, extraordinary son (and person!)


  1. Happy Birthday, Ryan! and happy Mama-versary to you, Bonny! It is wonderful to celebrate so many accomplishments and to really enjoy the people our children grow into. (that goose photo is great - I like the one on the right myself :-)

  2. What a wonderful birthday tribute to your fine son!!! (And happy Mom-iversary to you, too. A special, life-changing day, indeed.) It's such a treat to watch our babies . . . unfold . . . into interesting and fabulous adults. (And I, too, prefer the one on the right. So much more interesting.)

  3. happy birthday to you fabulous son!! You did a really good job :)

  4. This is a great birthday tribute! Happy Birthday to Ryan and happy 25 years of being a fantastic mom to YOU!

  5. What a wonderful homage to what surely must be an incredible man. You're a great mother, Bonny.

  6. Happy birthday Ryan! Love the pictures of him growing up!

  7. Happy Birthday Ryan! May you continue to always think outside of the box and color outside of the lines!

    Linda in VA

  8. Happy Belated Birthday to Ryan! (I was completely MIA last week!) I hope he had a wonderful day! :-)


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