Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Tiny Needle Tuesday: 12/19/23

So many of you have made stitching look like so much fun that it's been in the back of my mind for a while. I used to do counted cross-stitch long ago and my sister and I made some extensive pieces for my parents. I don't know what happened to them when we were cleaning out my parents' house, so that's another thing that has me thinking about stitching. Last weekend I was at my BiL's house and while he and John talked about boring man stuff, I took a look at some of the things on the walls. One was a sampler I had made for my MiL and both of my sisters-in-law are skilled at needlework and had stitched samplers. One of them had a saying I was quite taken with: "Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have."

I came home, perused ebay for 20 minutes looking for a not-too-cutesy sampler with this sentiment, and found one for a reasonable price. It's not here yet but it should arrive this week. With any luck, I'll be doing some stitching with a tiny needle by next week. 


  1. Oh YAY for joining in on TNT!! That is a very pretty sampler and I love the verse (something to remember). I hope you have fun and enjoy the stitching and I can't wait to see it!

  2. Ooo! That is fun (and how smart are you for combing through ebay!) I can't wait to see you get started on this!

  3. I love projects that have a sentiment that touches you. I used to do a lot of those back in the day. I have a drawer full of them that I pulled out of frames when I cleaned out the attic last summer. So many memories.

    1. When I saw the sentiment my SiL had done, I knew that was something I wanted to stitch. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, and I was lucky enough to find a complete kit that was cheap. It's supposed to arrive by Friday but I'm hoping for an earlier delivery!

  4. Yay! Another Teeny-Needle-Tuesdayer!!!!! Welcome to the fold. (Only don't FOLD. It makes wrinkles.) LOL

  5. Well that is just lovely -- both the sentiment and the piece! Now I am thinking I should get my cross stitch back out when I get home.

  6. Oh, how fun Bonny!! Welcome to the coven! haha. I haven't done much stitching in the past month or so, but my project is still handy & I hope to get back to it before long.

  7. Bonny, I have been struggling not to get my cross stitch or embroidery out for about a year. I love the process, but I always feel like I could be doing something more productive instead. Isn't that silly? I am inspired by your post. The process is just as important, or more so, than the outcome. It's very meditative!

  8. It's a lovely piece - with BIRDS! Knitting, crocheting, stitching, sewing ... it's wonderful to be multi-craftual!

  9. How fun that you were able to find that cross stitch kit. Now and then it is nice to do some other kind of making. I do think being able to find such things is one of the good things about the web.

  10. beautiful project!! I should dig and find one as well but it'll have to wait until after the holidays.

  11. What a lovely sentiment -- and a sweet stitching project, too. I love anything with little birds -- and chickadees are my favorite. I'm really excited to see you taking up a "tiny needle!" XO

  12. Okay. So I commented just now, but it didn't appear. So you may get this twice. So as not to repeat myself, I said something about the lovely sentiment, the cute birds, and that chickadees are my favorites. I also mentioned looking forward to seeing what happens when you pick up a "tiny needle" (or something like that). XO


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