Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday: 10/4/23

I'm joining Kat and fellow Unravelers today, for the first Unraveled Wednesday of October. I've been happily knitting on my Woolly Waffle, stopping every now and then to feel its lovely texture and squishiness. I made some sort of mistake on the i-cord edging and spent a few hours tinking back on Sunday afternoon, but then I found this youtube video about how to fix an i-cord edge, and voilà, it was fixed! 

Did you know that Elizabeth Zimmerman coined the name "i-cord"? The "i" stands for idiot, as she declared this technique to be so simple that absolutely anyone could do it. I learned that while searching for a fix, so I know what that says about me!

I finished two books this week. I gave the first one, Of Time and Turtles, three stars. The author has written more information about turtles than I ever thought there might be, but a big part of this book is about the humans who care for turtles. We're introduced to the Turtle Rescue League, a two-person organization (along with plenty of volunteers) that rescues turtles, repairs their shells, houses them if necessary, and is hopefully able to nurse them back to health. There is also the global Turtle Survival Alliance that operates from a secret location in South Carolina to protect the turtles from the illegal wildlife trade.

I did learn plenty about turtles, such as there are more than 300 species of turtles and tortoises and reptilian hibernation is called brumation, but I also learned that turtles are not just slow, plodding animals, and there are lots of people who are very devoted to their survival.

I had to wait seven years after The Nix for the publication of Wellness but it was certainly worth the wait. Wellness is the story of Jack Baker and Elizabeth Augustine, how they meet, have a child, and live their lives in Chicago. My simplistic explanation may sound dull, but the book is definitely not; it is one of the best books I have read this year. Nathan Hill has painted a complete picture of a relationship over the years, and it was easy to recognize some life events and thoughts that are similar to my own. Jack and Elizabeth are interesting characters and Hill writes about them with almost perfect prose. The section about Jack growing up on the prairie is especially beautiful. The author has also written about technology, health, wellness (including placebos), social media, art appreciation, medicine, finance, parenthood, community, and education. Even the long section about social media algorithms and how they contribute to Jack's relationship with his father is poignant. One of the best things I can say about Wellness is that after reading the book's more than 600 pages, I still wanted more. (Also, please try to write your third book a little faster, Nathan Hill. I'm not getting any younger.)

“Believe what you believe … but believe gently. Believe compassionately. Believe with curiosity. Believe with humility. And don’t trust the arrogance of certainty.”

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. that texture is awesome (I think I already said this but it's what is first in my mind) That will make a warm piece trapping in lots of heat which will be perfect when the snowflakes arrive.

  2. I am about 100 pages into Wellness, and I'm glad to hear that the 500+ I have to go will be good! I really love the texture of your shawl, and I hope it's as squishy as it looks! I'll be back at my spinning wheel today, I think, but I'm also getting ready to start a new pair of socks.

  3. Your shawl does looks squishy and perfect for the fast approaching return to chillier weather! But your review of Wellness is one that is urging me to get on the waitlist for that book!

  4. I'm now in the queue for Wellness! (#75 - so a bit of a wait) I love the way your Wooly Waffle looks - as everyone else has said, it looks so squishy!! I'm now knitting on socks (what's new?) and some fingerless mitts to match the purple cowl. Still anxious to get started on my Hitch on the Move! I'm not sold on "The Bee Sting" and up in the air as to whether or not I will finish it, but I started "The Art Thief" and am really liking it!!

  5. That shawl does look squishy!! Love it. It's going to be so cozy.

  6. I love the texture of your shawl, it looks like it will be warm and cozy! I actually have two finished knits that I need to block and post to Ravelry.
    I've been feeling bad about not liking The Bee Sting. I put it aside after reading over 200 pages. I feel like I'm the only one who did not enjoy it and wonder if my reasons for not liking it are valid or if I'm just not smart enough to "get it"? Anyway, I have moved on and am currently enjoying Small Mercies...what a page turner!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I'm reading The Caretaker and enjoying it much more than The Bee Sting. I find that I have to make myself read that book and that's never a good sign! I only have The Bee Sting for another week and I'm not sure I'll be able to finish it (or want to). I'm sure your reasons are valid; not every book is for every person!

  7. The texture of that shawl is just so lovely! I have Wellness from the library now and I'm excited to read it soon!

  8. The waffle stitch shawl is going to be so wonderful. I love the quote at the end of your post. Is that from Wellness? I'm knitting on a little polka dot hat, a pair of socks, and the LYS KAL wrap - in rotation.

  9. I love that waffle texture so much, Bonny! I have knit several things with i-cord edging, and my-oh-my . . . what a bugger it is to make an edging mistake and have to try to fix THAT. I'm so glad you found a helpful YouTube video, and now I know to take a look at that before ripping back the next time I make an idiotic i-cord mistake! (Because, trust me, I put the "I" in i-cord . . . ) I am nearing the end of Wellness . . . and I love it so! :-)

  10. I remember seven years ago when you put The Nix on my radar and I've been so looking forward to another novel. It's sitting on my TBR this month! also, thank you for the link about fixing the i-cord edge; yeah, this I could've used it more than once.


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