Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday: 9/13/23

I'm joining Kat and fellow Unravelers today with just a tiny bit of knitting. I woke up last Thursday morning when we were supposed to leave with a bad case of vertigo. I've had it before but this episode left me feeling especially nauseated, dizzy, and just plain crappy. After doing the Epley maneuver numerous times and taking meclizine, I felt well enough to travel four hours in the car. I was borderline okay as the passenger in the car but I didn't want to tempt fate by also trying to knit. This episode took several days to resolve so all I have to show for knitting this week is six teeth on a Hitchhiker. 

I grabbed this confetti yarn before we left because I felt like knitting with something cheerful instead of the Wollmeise I talked about last week. I may continue with this and work some more on my Hitch on the Move which I haven't touched in several weeks. 

Reading with vertigo didn't work too well either, so I didn't finish any books last week. I have started a couple now that I'm feeling a bit better, and hopefully, next week's Unraveled Wednesday post won't be so skimpy on knitting and books! (I will be back tomorrow with an elk post.)

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Oh Bonny, I know how miserable that vertigo can be as I have a permanent vestibular deficit. Are you familiar with the exercise program that can help?
    You might find the Gaze Stabilization exercises helpful during times of dizziness.

  2. I don't know why that published as's me.

  3. Oh Bonny, I'm so sorry to hear you woke with vertigo last Thursday. I've been there and done that and I know it is NO FUN. (I did remember to throw in my bottle of meclizine when packing toiletries yesterday.)I'm glad you are feeling better now and your confetti yarn is very pretty - that will be a lovely Hitchhiker.

  4. Ugh, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that! I'm glad that at least you were able to feel better enough that you could still go on your trip, even if you couldn't do any knitting. I hope this week is better for you!

  5. Hope you are feeling 100% better soon.

  6. Oh, Bonny! Ugh. So sorry about that episode. Happy that you were able to go on your trip! Love that confetti yarn -- it's so light & happy. Hope you're able to get some knitting & reading done, and feeling MUCH better this week!

  7. Vertigo is a horrible thing and I'm so sorry you had to deal with it!

  8. Vertigo sounds like it is absolutely awful! I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I've made an appointment with an ENT doctor, so hopefully that will help get things resolved. I can hardly knit, read, or walk in a straight line!

  9. oh gosh, I'm sorry about the vertigo and hope you're feeling better soon. I love that new HH beginning - what a happy yarn!

  10. Oh, I HATES the vertigo!!! I'm so glad it seems to be clearing up, but ugh! What a drag. . . That said, I really love your new confetti Hitchhiker! It reminds me of a Funfetti birthday cake. (I made one for Erin's birthday for many years. Turns out it's still her favorite . . . now that she's all grown up. ) I hope you continue feeling better and will be able to continue knitting and reading again. XO

  11. Love your confetti yarn. I'm so sorry you didn't feeel well. Vertigo stinks and is awful to go through. I knit every do or two on a Joji Cowl, haven't gotten back into steady knit since the heat wave we had. Over the weekend I finished up The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida so I'm now reading a cozy mystery. I went to the library yesterday and picked up 2 Katherine Center books but when I looked in Goodreads I had read the earlier one years ago but may re-read it and I also got The Bodyguard.

    1. I like the confetti yarn and will be happy if my vertigo gets resolved enough so I can knit again. It sounds like you're knitting and reading plenty; I hope they are enjoyable projects and books!

  12. Vertigo is not any fun. Every now and again I experience a little benign positioning vertigo. It does take awhile for it to settle down. The confetti yarn looks very cheerful and happy. Take it easy friend.

  13. I am sorry you suffered an episode, dizzy and nausea are horrible. Love the yarn you are knitting with!!


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