Monday, April 22, 2019

Sometimes Monday ...

... is a good day to get growing in a new garden in MD.

My sentiments exactly!


  1. Love your sign!! Have fun planting. Wish I had taken pictures at Colin's yesterday - that boy has a major green thumb and has so many things already up (beans, peas, radishes, beets, carrots).

  2. LOVE! Every little bit of this post! Your seedlings look so awesome!

  3. Wow! Your plants look so healthy and ready to take off! What a great looking spot.

  4. Your new garden looks GORGEOUS! So . . . ready! (And that sign. LOVE.)

  5. Great Earth day post! Gardening cuts out the middle man for our food. No trucks needed that use gasoline, no trains, and no packaging!

    1. I'm already looking forward to delicious tomatoes!

  6. Looks like you are all set for a great gardening season!

    1. Now we just need to get the fence up around the garden before the rabbit and groundhog discover it!

  7. So, I can't tell, Bonny, where is this garden. New house, old house? I am excited to follow your garden posts. You always have a beautiful garden! I hope you have more veggies than you can eat; but not too many more! Have a great week, Bonny.

  8. Replies
    1. I hope it works as a stern reminder to the plants!

  9. oh my. a "clean slate" of dirt (boy did I love typing that oxymoron :-) and the perfect sign. Can't wait to see what bounty this new-to-you garden produces!

  10. I need that sign for Smith! Your garden is so perfectly tilled and ready to grow! Wish I could say the same. (The garden is growing but it does not look so beautiful!)

  11. Oh, I have such serious garden envy! I've never managed to grow very much because my only available gardening spot doesn't get enough sun (and I doubt my husband would go for replacing the front lawn -- which does get sun -- with a vegetable garden). I'll be watching your plot!

  12. are you going to have two gardens (one in each town?)? Lovely patches of soil for you to play in!!


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