Friday, April 1, 2016

Fine Things on a Friday

It's rainy, gray, and 40 mph winds will be arriving with the thunder storms this afternoon, but I've got some fine things (some big, some small) to share on this Friday.
  • Justin arrived safely in Texas late last night!!! (This is a big one, and totally deserving of three exclamation marks.)
  • When I turned the calendar this morning I was treated to a lovely photo of Texas bluebonnets.

  • My desk calendar revealed my favorite photo ever!

  • Our local liquor store now carries New Belgium beer! 

New Belgium brewery is based in Fort Collins so I always look forward to having some when I visit Ryan, but haven't been able to find it within 500 miles of home. Our liquor store doesn't yet have my absolute favorite La Folie, but I was thrilled to see Citradelic, a tangerine IPA that Ryan has been telling me about for a few months. Now there's some at my house.

  • I have a weekend with family, knitting, and maybe alpacas to look forward to.  
 Big or small, I hope you all have some fine things in your life!


  1. Yay Justin!
    I'd love to see bluebonnets in person.
    Citradelic... I haven't tried it yet, but it's on my list!!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. What a pretty photo. We have similar weather today too, minus the thunderstorms. I'm sure you are very relieved about Justin! Have a great weekend.

  3. OMG - making me cry again! :-) Thank-you Bonny, I shall be sharing with you later. So happy Justin is safe and sound and the 2 pictures...all adding up to begin what is sure to be a great weekend!

  4. So glad to hear that Justin arrived safely! And that's so thoughtful about Patty and toasting her dad. I think we shall do the same here.

  5. So very glad that Justin is safe and in Texas --- just in time to take in the bluebonnets. (I hear they're especially beautiful this year.) Love New Belgium -- most all types. (It's a fun brewery to visit, too.)

  6. I'm so glad Justin made it safely to Texas! what a fine list you've shared - cheers!

  7. Good news that Justin is safe and sound and I hope you enjoyed your beer in honor of a dear man. Have a wonderful weekend, Bonny!!!

  8. thank god he is safe and sound. Now you have a void where all that worry was tucked in! what will you do?? I love that feeling though when something is resolved! phew!!

  9. I am glad to read about Justin's safe arrival, and your toast to Patty's dad is so perfect. Citradelic - wow, one I have not tried! Added to my list - thank you!! xoxo


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