Friday, March 25, 2016

Ramblin' Man

Packing all the important things. Can you spot the knitted item?

And, he's off again. Justin came back home in January after his internship at a deer ranch in New York state ended. It was great to have him home for a while, and he used the time to relax, regroup, and look for a job. Full-time jobs for a Wildlife Management major are a bit difficult to come by, so he's expanding his skills, resumé, and horizons by heading to a very large deer ranch in Texas. This could be a short-term thing, or if he likes it (and they like him), the possibility might exist for longer employment. We shall see ...

I worried when he drove more than 2,200 miles to Montana, and I'll be worrying for the next three days while he drives 1,920 miles to Texas. As before, I'll be keeping very busy, walking my miles, saying quite a few prayers, knitting, waiting for texts that tell me he's stopped for the night and the eagerly anticipated and most welcome one that tells me he has arrived safely at his destination. Knitting seems to offer something practical, soothing, and calming to do instead of useless, incessant worry, and I feel lucky to have that in my life.

So, Justin, be careful, safe travels, and have fun!


  1. Safe travels for Justin and a calm heart for you, those are my wishes today!

  2. Extra hugs and good wishes to you today (well, all weekend, actually) -- and good driving juju to Justin. XO

  3. aw, warm hands. I didn't know deer were on ranches ;-) sounds like a great opportunity! prayers for safe travels for him and easy knitting for you!

  4. I echo Carole's sentiments for you and Justin. Happy Easter, my friend!

  5. Safe travels Justin! (And I know exactly how you feel!) Dan will not be doing that this year - staying in Asheville - woo hoo!

  6. A deer ranch! WOW! May Justin's travels be uneventful and safe and may you enjoy your knitting with less worry!

  7. you worry, I'll add him to my prayer list :) I hope he has fun and that his resume building lands him an awesome full time job!! Wow! what adventures your boys are on. Isn't it hard to say goodbye? I'm completely ungraceful about it.


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