Thursday, December 31, 2015

Am Cam Catch-Up

The Am Cam had some technical difficulties (I got too busy to take photos), 
but it's time to catch up.

Look who bloomed on Christmas!

Minerva opened up her first bud, and since Christmas here was weirdly warm
 (72 degrees!), I took advantage of the weather to take her outside. 

We've since had a return to more seasonable weather, but that has also meant gray, dark, dreary skies. It's tough to find enough light to take photos, but here are
Minerva, Sakura, and Scarlet together.

Sakura has one flower shoot, getting ready to open soon. Maybe for New Year's Day? Minerva has three gorgeous flowers open, another bud on that shoot, and a second flower stalk with yet more buds. She'll be blooming for a long time! Scarlet blossomed a few weeks ago, and her flowers faded quickly. I cut off her flower stalk, and she's now finally growing some leaves. 

Here's hoping that 2016 provides plenty of opportunities for
beauty and blossoming for all of us.


  1. Beautiful! I was hoping you'd post pictures of your blooms!

  2. They each move at their own pace. Minerva has certainly proved her worth and I hope Scarlet will give you a show. I've two with minds of their own and have decided to name them Sadie and Stella. Update soon.


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