Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sustenance on Sunday

Sundays are for writing about food. Sometimes Sunday dinner is something that might have met with my grandmother's approval, like pot roast, mashed potatoes, several vegetables, and homemade rolls. Most Sundays it's something that's not too fancy, but might take a bit of time or require some extra effort. Today it's homemade calzones. They're not difficult, but I do have to plan ahead, be around to punch down the dough, and forming them is a little fiddly. I've tried many different fillings over the years, but everyone likes plain old pepperoni and cheese best.

 Youngest Son almost always cheers when he smells calzones for dinner, and making a family-pleasing dinner that's appreciated makes it worthwhile.


  1. It looks to me like you're going all out for Sunday dinner. Oh my how I loved calzones, although it wasn't something my mom made. In fact, there isn't a single food from the past that I cook today, but that doesn't mean there aren't great memories filling my head.

  2. Oh, Bonny! I can smell those calzones right through my phone! YUM!!!

  3. Calzones are one of my favorites. My mom made the best ones. Now I'm in the mood for them..... Might have to do that this coming weekend.

  4. I've never made a calzone! The certainly look delicious and in a Doug approved food combination as well. Looks win, win to me!

  5. those look delicious! I finally looked through Sunday Suppers yesterday. It's beautiful and recipes seem...approachable. Sunday isn't really a cooking day for me, but maybe it could be?


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