
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday: 2/14/24

I'm joining Kat and fellow Unravelers for this Valentine's Day Unraveled Wednesday with a wonderful new project. 

It's Sarah's wonderful pattern, Hydrophily (Ravelry link) I chose a lovely gray BFL and a six skein gradient that ranges from pink to deep purple. I plan on doing five "lobes" in each color, and I've just finished the first one in the third color, so only 19 more to go. Each repeat consists of 14 rows, and there have been several times that I've said to myself, "Just 14 more rows!" It really is an addictive pattern, and each time I do the Lotus Cluster Stitch at the end, I marvel that Sarah could have come up with an idea as lovely as this and then figured out how to knit it. Thanks, Sarah!

I finished two books this week. The publisher's blurb calls I've Tried Being Nice "a collection of humorous essays about a lifelong people pleaser", and while I found this to be true, it's also a lot more. Ann Leary is the author of several novels but she is also a great storyteller. Some of the essays in this collection are about trying hard to be a people-pleaser, something that I think many women can see in themselves, but at least one of them is concerned with that lightbulb moment when you realize you have no interest in pleasing a particular person. Ann Leary recounts her adventures with being far-sighted and having one-sided hearing loss that resulted in her blaring "Love Shack" in the grocery store and also her interactions with bats. I don't like bats at all but I could laugh at Leary's essay because the bats were not in my house, or on my pajamas. Some of the essays are more poignant, like the one entitled "Three Drinks Short".

The only book I've read by Ann Leary is The Good House and I found it both enjoyable and poignant. I've Tried Being Nice is funny, poignant, honest, and full of great stories told well. Thank you to Edelweiss and Marysue Rucci Books for providing me with a copy. This book will be published on June 4, 2024

I can't give you a simple reason why I requested Real Americans from Netgalley. The cover was interesting, I haven't read anything by Rachel Khong, but I am a big fan of multi-generational novels. This one spans three generations of a Chinese-American family beginning with Mei, her daughter Lily, and Lily's son Nick. The book is divided into parts with each one centered on a different protagonist. I'll admit that there were times that I felt a bit confused and wondered what had gone on in the intervening years, but it all comes together in Mei's section at the end. There were some aspects concerned with science (science fiction?) that I found distracting but the overall story was an intriguing one. The author writes in simplistic yet descriptive prose that is a pleasure to read. I was especially interested in Khong's idea of making decisions for your children, and what can happen even when you have only good intentions.

Thank you to Netgalley and Knopf for providing me with a copy of this book. It will be published on April 30, 2024.

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. What a beautiful new project you've got going there, Bonny! I've been really intrigued with that pattern of Sarah's -- and you are "selling it" really well with your stunning color choices. It is just beautiful! I'll bet the knitting will go quickly for you -- because it's just too clever and gorgeous to NOT keep going. And I think both books sound really good -- especially the Ann Leary essay collection. XO

  2. You've had a great week Bonny! The knitting is spectacular. Love your choice of yarns for this shawl. I am so tempted with that pattern...but I did finally cast on for my Hitch on the Move - I need to make that first!! Both of those books sound good to me - thanks for the recommendations.

  3. Bonny -- and Sarah! -- the Hydrophily is gorgeous! It's captivating here, just as it was when Sarah introduced it, and I love the color gradient you chose. Something about your layout here and the current shape of your project...it all says 'moon phase' to me.
    I'm intrigued by the essay collection, and I have a few people in mind for gifting (after I get to read a copy, first!) Thanks for the review here -- I'll jot it down.
    Real Americans sounds vaguely familiar -- though I realize it can't be, as it's yet unpublished... But it sounds very similar to a multigenerational story of a Chinese mother and son I read last year (but of course can't recall the title). Neither here nor there, I suppose....!
    Looks like it's been a good week there. Here's to another!

    1. Sarah's Hyrdophily pattern is really a great one and fairly easy to knit. I dithered about yarn for a while but I'm happy with the choices I made. I'm already thinking about possible yarn choices for a second one and wishing you a good week!

  4. I am loving your Hydrophily! (and Kym is right, you are really knocking that out of the park... but do I have anything that might work as a gradient? I might have some Koigu KPPPM that might work...)

    I have Real American's waiting in the wings for when I finish Mr. Comey's second mystery novel!

  5. I am in love with your shawl -- you picked such a beautiful palette and are doing such a great job with the knitting! The essay collection sounds like something I would enjoy, so I'll keep an eye out for it when it's published. And I should be able to finish up Real Americans today (I'm at 94%, so it should take me less than an hour, I think).

  6. Love all those purple shades, Great yarn choice.

    1. Thank you! I dithered about yarn for a while, but am happy with my final choice. Sarah's pattern is a great one!

  7. Oh, now that's a real beauty! I love that color progression.

    1. Thank you, Araignee! I chose the colors but Sarah's pattern makes them look good.

  8. Oh, goodness, I LOVE that gradient... your shawl is going to be GORGEOUS!!

  9. what a GORGEOUS pattern! I love the fade you are doing with the stripes.

  10. What a beautiful new project. That gradient is just perfect with the gray. What fun to knit one of Sarah's patterns. The book of essays intrigues me. I hope I can remember where I wrote down the title when the release date rolls around. ;-) I'm working on the same shawl and a new scrappy sock.

  11. I love those purple gradient shades! Your new shawl is going to be gorgeous!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I'm really enjoying knitting Sarah's wonderful pattern.

  12. WOW Bonny! You have nailed the yarn selection for Hydrophily ... it's looking fantastic already!

  13. That is a gorgeous new project you've got there! I love the gradients and can see how it might become very addictive!

  14. I love what you are knitting -- great color choices!


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