
Friday, February 9, 2024

Right Now: February 2024

I last did a Right Now post in October of last year, so I think it's time for one. The picture below doesn't fit with anything I'm doing right now; it's just a photo from Justin's trail camera that I liked. 

Watching - The West Wing. I know it's a fictional TV show, but there are a lot of seasons, interesting characters/actors, perfect to knit to while watching, and most of all, it helps me avoid real-life elections and politics. I'm not sure what I'll watch when I finish The West Wing, but hopefully, it will be equally diversionary.

Listening To - Supreme Court oral arguments on Trump v. Anderson. I'm not interested in any news about Tr***, but I am interested in Norma Anderson and what the Supreme Court has to say about Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (the Disqualification Clause). It's not a bad thing for me to learn what "self-executing" means or to maybe understand more about the Constitution. 

Avoiding - Any other news about Tr***. I know he'll most likely be the Republican nominee and I'll have to face that fact eventually, along with the possibility that he may get re-elected. All things in good time, but this is not the time for me to hear or even think about him at all. 

Hoping - That Medicare and Social Security have finally arrived at a decision. I've been signed up for Medicare for two and a half years and I thought everything was fine. I reached my full retirement age in December 2023 and thought that a little extra money might be nice so I signed up to receive Social Security benefits. Since then, Medicare and SS have made various decisions (sometimes three different ones in a week) ranging from yes, we'll pay you your full SS benefit, to we're holding your SS benefit for some unknown reason, to determining that I owe them $3800 in back Medicare payments. I hope/think/have my fingers crossed that it's straightened out but will know for sure once I (hopefully) see some $$ by direct deposit on the 17th of this month.

Making - Split pea soup, homemade soft dinner rolls, venison pot pie, sausage quiche, meatloaf, and chili. I don't care about The Super Bowl at all but may need to make some loaded potato skins in the air fryer to celebrate Taylor Swift's boyfriend and all those other guys who will be playing. 

Enjoying - Eating my Funfetti cake. I've even had a piece for breakfast. I think it tastes better if I'm wearing my Funfetti Hitchhiker. 

Drinking - Peppermint tea and sometimes when I want to go wild, I add a glug of Godiva chocolate liqueur. 

Knitting - Something special that is not a Hitchhiker (more about it on Wednesday). But I've also realized that a Hitchhiker is my comfort project, one that is easy to carry with me and work on for a few moments when I need to. I will be casting on a new Hitchhiker shortly. 

Treating - My hands right. That means doing my own manicure (I don't use polish), buffing my nails, and using plenty of Happy Hands hand cream. Knitting is much more fun when I'm not snagging my yarn with rough skin and hangnails. 

Very Glad That - I finally admitted I didn't know what I was doing where taxes were concerned and found a tax guy. I was in tears three years ago when we had to file NJ, MD, DE, and CO (from selling Ryan's house) state taxes along with federal income taxes, but this guy is great and he is well worth whatever we've had to pay him. I delight in simply putting the tax forms that arrive in a folder and taking it all to Brian in March. 

Not Buying - Any chocolate candy for Valentine's Day. I often have my grandmother's cut glass candy dish filled with Hershey's Kisses or maybe even peppermint patties if they're on sale. That was okay when the boys lived here because they ate most of it, but now I'm the one that eats it all. I've got some dark chocolate that Jess brought me from Madagascar and so far I've limited myself to breaking off two pieces and enjoying them occasionally, but I'm going to try not to buy any more candy for the candy dish. 

Trusting - That the universe is unfolding as it should.

What's going on in your world right now? 


  1. I think you trust the universe more than I do! I think I know what that special project is (wink wink), but I'll be patient and wait until you're ready to reveal it. I am also trying to treat my hands right and keep them well moisturized, but it is a real challenge at this time of year, especially after I managed to slice into my thumb while cutting vegetables yesterday and accidentally reopening it this morning.

    We will be watching the Super Bowl, mainly because of the Swiftie in my house. I don't care too much about the game, but I always enjoy watching the commercials and will take any excuse for fun snacks for dinner!

  2. I'm guessing at your "new" project (I think I remember you buying a certain pattern and ordering yarn) - I'll look forward to seeing that as well as another Hitchhiker! That is a great shot of the deer from the trail cam - much better than most trail cam shots I've seen. I just realized that Sunday is the SuperBowl (I don't care) and there is a cross stitch shop not too far away that always has a SuperBowl sale...I can use some fabric. I may need to run down to West Chester on Sunday!

  3. I, too, love Justin's photo! I'm with you on all things tr***. (Tuning out on that part of the "news" improves my mental health so much.) I hope you can celebrate the successful resolution of Medicare/SSA woes . . . with some more Funfetti cake (but no chocolate). And I can't wait to hear about both knitting projects -- the new comfort-Hitchhiker AND your mystery project. XO

  4. I love Justin's photo as well! What a sweet face! I listened to the arguments yesterday as well... sigh. It was not an easy listen! I hope that their evident direction is just a subversion to fools us all, but I won't be surprised at all by a 9-0 ruling in the orange idiot's favor. As usual, it is up to the voters to keep our Constitutional Republic afloat!

    I am also feeling the urge to cast on a Hitchhiker... I have some yarn I purchased a while back for one. I might need to wind it and get it cast on... and soon!

  5. we have an accountant to do our taxes which are complicated. I don't have the brain space! Your avoidance is my avoidance. It's a challenge!!

  6. We've been watching Boston Legal. I never really watched it when it was originally on TV, though I'd catch a blip here or there. Hope Medicare & SSA can figure it out!!

  7. What a great photo. Here's hoping your Medicare and Social Security get straightened out. I'm not sure why that has to be so challenging. This election year is going to be a challenge. We are all going to need our knitting. Shawls are my comfort knitting and I have just about decided I'm going to knit as many as I want to this year. I can always give them away. Cake for breakfast is a terrific idea.

  8. Lovely photo!
    We had to fight our insurance company when they enrolled us without our knowledge into the Medicare prescription plan. We were happy with what we had through our Federal Blue Cross secondary plan. To make it worse, in threatening letters, Medicare claimed I owed a fine for enrolling late-a fine that would be added to my premium for the rest of my life (!). It took many, many phone calls to straighten it out so I understand your frustration with the system.

    1. I only know a couple of people who have enrolled without any issues. The whole system is built on layers of bureaucracy and it takes persistence to get through it all to find answers. Even if you do, the answers may not be consistent or what you hope for. I'm glad you persevered!

  9. I feel incredibly lucky that my enrollment in Medicare and Social Security went without a hitch. Justin's photo is fabulous! The deer looks like she just said, "I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille."

  10. I missed this post because I have been avoiding getting online. It rarely makes me feel better or better informed these days. I think I am in an internet funk. But I do love blog posts, especially yours, so I do still check for them, albeit late. Perhaps the universe is unfolding as it should, but that doesn't mean I like it The West Wing is definitely comfort streaming.

  11. That photo is fabulous, I will have to remember to show it to Dale! I'm so sorry about the SS and Medicare situation. Dale gets SS and is still covered by my medical insurance through my job - which is perfectly fine but slightly unusual. I'm worried about the transition when I retire. I have NEVER done my own taxes and I'm so happy about that!

  12. I love a Right Now post - it's so fun to catch up. I've never watched The West Wing ... this might be the year?! I watched Schitts Creek in 2020, though, and I might be ready for a re-watch. Looking forward to your next Hitchhiker ... and maybe something else fun from Justin's trail camera!


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