
Thursday, September 1, 2022

Take a Walk

I found myself without much to write about, so I decided to invite you along on my walk today. Let's see what we see. 

First up are some sunflowers at Fleming Castle. This place is right around the corner from me and I always thought it was a funny name for a really tiny house. When I accompanied both boys' third-grade classes on their walk around town to learn local history, I learned that it was the first house in town, built in 1756. Samuel Fleming and his family of 10 children lived here until 1763 when he lost the house due to his financial troubles. 

Just down the street from Fleming Castle is Tuccamirgan's grave. John Philip Kase received land from William Penn in 1738 and settled on it. A Delaware Indian Chief named Tuccamirgan lived nearby and John Philip and the Indian became very close friends. John Philip would not have survived without the help of Tuccamirgan, so he was buried and honored with this monument when he died in 1750. This is a tiny little cemetery of about 10 graves that is now in a residential area, but nobody wants to move the cemetery. (More history I gained from third-grade field trips.)

I continued on to the middle school to walk around the track there. It's a bit boring, but still, a pleasant enough place to walk (at least until school starts next week). I spied this interesting-looking stump while I was doing my laps. I've never seen a stump cross-hatched like that, and wondered if they made the cuts to help the stump decay faster.

After my walk, it was time to head up to Main Street for a haircut. I've taken the boys here to get their hair cut ever since they needed haircuts, and one day I asked the owner if she ever cut women's hair. She said yes, so I've been getting my hair trimmed at the Boro Barber Shop for the past 20 years. Quick, easy, and the two female barbers have become friends that I look forward to seeing a couple times each year. 

We don't have an ice cream place in town, so I got a couple of bagels from the place next to the barber shop. The chocolate chip bagels were almost as good as ice cream, especially with chocolate, raisin, and walnut cream cheese. 

This was not exactly an exciting walk, with some history, a tree stump, a haircut, and bagels, but thanks for coming along with me!


  1. Thanks for taking us along on an entertaining and informative walk! That bagel sounds a bit like a dessert, though all things being equal, I think I'd rather have ice cream. ;-)

  2. What a lovely little walk, Bonny! I especially loved learning the bits of history you have shared! But that stump... how beautifully curious!

  3. What a fun walking route you have, Bonny! Thanks for sharing the interesting sites along the way. (And I can't imagine the plan for the stump . . . but it sure looks cool. Stump-Art!) Your new haircut looks divine . . . and we're wearing the same overalls today! XOXO

  4. I think it was a very interesting walk, Bonny. Lots of local history within walking distance is a real plus. Nice haircut! And I am not a big bagel fan, but that cream cheese sounds divine. It made me hungry. Yep, crosshatching stumps is the preferred natural way to speed up rotting rather than have it ground or burned, but I have never seen it done. You so often teach me something new.

  5. What a nice and interesting walk Bonny. Gorgeous sunflowers and a curious/interesting stump! Your haircut looks lovely (my Mom used to get her hair cut at a barbershop all the time). I've never heard of that creamcheese either! Happy September!

  6. Thanks for sharing your lovely walk with us! I thought it was quite interesting. Your haircut looks great!

  7. Thanks for taking us along! I love that first picture and the story that goes with it. It looks like the house was well loved after Samuel left it ;-)

    1. Thank you! The DAR purchased Fleming Castle and it's now a museum. There isn't a lot to see inside and I think it might even be closed since covid, but it looks pretty good for a house built in 1756.

  8. I love this post, I feel like I just spent time with you in your hometown! That cream cheese sounds SO good!

  9. I loved the walk and the history lesson (and really wished that bagel was with me in person ... you, too, of course ;-)

  10. I think your walk and history are very fun to learn about and that haircut is wonderful. I have been cutting my own, I do not have a lot of hair for various reasons and it is just easier that way. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. I enjoyed the walk and local history. Your walk is more interesting than mine. How fun you have made good friends with women at the barber shop. The bagel treat sounds perfect.

  12. you live in a cute town! We don't have a town center where we live and I wish we did. love the sunflowers!


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