
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Unraveled Wednesday: 8/31/22

I'm happily joining Kat and fellow Unravelers for Unraveled Wednesday,

with a finished Hitchhiker. It's even better because I've decided that it will be a Christmas gift for someone. I think I know who I'll give it to but won't mention it here because I know that she's read my ramblings on occasion. 

(They're Skittles I grabbed out of the candy dish on the way out to take pictures.)

And I cast on another one. I bought this yarn four years ago at NJ Sheep and Wool and I just haven't been able to bring myself to use it for socks. I love the colorway name (Nothing Says Screw You Like A Rainbow) and it knits into rainbow stripes interspersed with clouds in a blue sky. I'm not sure how this will play out in a Hitchhiker, especially when the rows start getting longer, but the only way to tell is to give it a try.

Reading has been varied, but there was one really stellar finish. I read The School for Good Mothers (ugh) but enjoyed Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting. Meet Me at the Museum was wonderful. It feels like I was lucky to find the right book at the right time with this one. This epistolary novel makes me wish I had a philosophical pen-pal to write to, and receive thoughtful answers. Tina Hopgood, an English farm wife, and Anders Larsen, a professor at Silkeborg Museum in Denmark, find each other through a chance letter that Tina wrote about the Tollund Man, and through this exchange of letters, they develop an extraordinary, life-changing friendship. Through their letters, they come to share more and more, and I found their exchange of ideas and emotions quite moving. Their letters are presented alternately, and I listened to the audiobook which I think gave even more depth to the story. The conclusion is open-ended which might frustrate some readers, but I found it perfect.

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Lovely Hitchhiker! :) And Meet Me at the Museum sounds lovely (and I so enjoyed The Narrowboat Summer) I could check it out, but I have a big book to get through first! Soon!

  2. Oooo! I love the beads (which look just like Skittles to me . . . ) you used on your newly-finished Hitchhiker. It's such a beautiful version -- and those beads are simply perfection! I can't wait to see how your rainbow yarn works up. It looks like such fun yarn to knit with. I had Meet Me at the Museum from the library, but needed to return it before reading it (because someone else had placed a hold). I've got to get it back again! XO

  3. Your Hitchhiker turned out beautifully Bonny (and I love the Skittles next to it). Someone is going to be lucky!! Your choice of yarn for your next Hitchhiker cracks me up because Dee and I were just talking about that yarn. You bought that at NJS&W when we met up together and Dee bought the same skein. I don't think she has used hers yet either. (Just a week away and I'm hoping we can meet up again.) I loved "Meet Me at the Museum" - such a good, good book.

  4. I had a feeling that when you said you were knitting a new Hitchhiker that meant you'd finished one! And for a minute I thought you'd added some very bold beads to it, but then I saw they were just Skittles. I love the start of the new one and will be interested to see how the self-striping plays out with the pattern.

    I'm working on my tee and some socks, and I just got Lucy by the Sea from NetGalley, which I hope to start later today (if work plays nicely).

  5. What a fun & happy hitchhiker!
    I loved Meet Me At the Museum and her other book with the three women on a Narrowboat. I'm anxiously awaiting for her to write another book. Look up the author's bio. She didn't start writing until she retired from being an automotive engineer

  6. beautiful! I think you need to buy baubles that look like skittles and bedazzle that shawl :)

  7. I love that Hitchhiker and the beads are perfect, they look like sourballs!

  8. And I just read more carefully and realized they ARE candy and not beads. LOL

  9. Your Hitchhiker looks perfect for a sunny autumn day! The skittles match perfectly!
    Meet Me At The Museum was such a lovely book! I also enjoyed The Narrowboat Summer by the same author. I'm enjoying reading Elizabeth Strout's debut novel, Amy and Isabelle, I only have about 50 pages to go and look forward to some quiet time later today to finish.

    1. Thank you, Debbie! I didn't realize until I was done with Meet Me At the Museum that it was written by the same author as Narrowboat Summer. I think I might have liked it even more than Narrowboat., and would love to read more by Anne Youngson.

  10. I love all the hitchhikers. I thought the skittles were buttons or little charms on the shawl. I tend to use my skeins I'm not sure what to make into something of Martina Behm's. My Lintilla I think is my favorite of hers that I made for me.

    1. I might have to branch out and try some of Martins Behm's other patterns besides Hitchhiker - someday!

  11. Thank you for the push to read Meet Me at the Museum - like others, I adored Narrowboat Summer and just haven't made the time for that one. and all the love for a finished Hitchhiker (I hope the recipient enjoys skittles ... what a perfect accompaniment!) and another one begun. I think those cloudy bits are genius with the rainbow.

  12. In love with both of those Hitchhikers... I can't wait to see how the new rainbow one works out (I think it'll be amazing!). I hope you send some Skittles along with that gift! They're perfect. I wish you could attach them... I'm reminded of a candy necklace!

  13. I love both hitchhikers. I think the new rainbow one will be wonderful. Sometimes a little crazy color play is just what a knitter needs. I enjoyed The Narrowboat Summer so I'll have to look for Meet Me at the Museum.


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