
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Three on Thursday

I'm joining Carole for Three on Thursday, and today I was inspired by Sarah's post about three things to pack when traveling. Most knitters will not be surprised that there was no mention of packing proper footwear, enough underwear, or raincoats. It's all about making sure we have enough yarn, needles, and reading material. As I prepare for my own upcoming travels to CO, here are three things that will be in my suitcase.

1. My Kindle 

I'd love to continue reading Shake Down the Stars, but it's a big, heavy, 500-page, hardcover book. So instead of carrying this along, I'll have my Kindle with Mrs. Lorimer's Quiet Summer downloaded, along with a few other library books as backup.

2. My ipod

I love audiobooks, so that's why I'm taking this little device along. I've been saving several books for the trip, including The Narrowboat Summer, Empire of Pain, "re-listens" of Anxious People and Olive, Again, and a favorite of both Ryan and I, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid. These books make up almost 60 hours of listening time, so I think we're pretty well-prepared for our estimated 30 hours of driving time. 

3. An easy knitting project

For me, this is, of course, a Hitchhiker (and I think forgoing the beads was a wise decision).. I haven't worked on it at all since yesterday, but I know this will keep my hands busy on the plane flight out and the drive back (when I'm not the driver!)

As a knitter and reader who has always over-packed, I know that I may only read or listen to a few books and knit just a few more teeth on the Hitchhiker. But we all know it is far better to be prepared than to be caught short-handed! 

What's in your suitcase this summer?


  1. I always always pack more knitting and reading than I can handle - because the thought of running out is just horrifying!

  2. Oh probably just socks! But I'm going to get paperback-hold-in-my-hand copy of Unsettled Ground for my CO adventure in August. Wish I was doing the drive back across with you two!

  3. perfect choices! I'm so glad you're going to listen to Narrowboat Summer - it was a delight when I picked it up in February and would be even better in the Summer :-)

  4. As a fellow knitting reader, I am nodding my head at your most excellent choices! Yes... I always think about what to read and knit before I even consider anything else! lol Have an amazing trip!

  5. Sometimes I pack three projects and never knit a stitch, but I always feel better knowing that I'm prepared... and have options!

    I am absolutely in love with that colorway for your new Hitchhiker!

  6. I've packed two knitting projects, a spindle project, two hard-copy books, and my iPad. I'm fairly certain I've overpacked in the entertainment category, but I like options! I love that you and Ryan can listen to audiobooks together -- I'm not sure I'd find anything that anyone else in my family would want to listen to with me.

  7. Oh yes, it is absolutely better to have more listening and knitting than needed. My husband and I usually listen to mysteries on road trips. That is the only overlap in books. I like the cover of Mrs. Lorimore's Quiet Summer. I'm off to look it up.


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