
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Unraveled Wednesday

Today I'm joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday with a new project. Since I finally finished the never-ending Nervous Breakdown II, my thoughts have turned to knitting that would serve me well on the flight to CO and the 1800 mile drive back from CO. I decided to wind one of my my Mother's Day gift yarns (Wollmeise Pure in Drachenblut), because not much could be better (and easier) than a Wollmeise Hitchhiker.

I've thought about adding beads to the tips of the teeth on a Hitchhiker for a long time, so I knit a little swatch to try bead colors and the technique. 

It's not meant to be patriotic, but I did try red, blue, and clear (silver-lined) beads. Adding the beads isn't difficult at all, but I was kind of underwhelmed by the results. I just didn't feel that they added enough for me to be juggling beads in the passenger seat of Ryan's Subaru as we drive eastward on Route 80. I decided to cast on yet another regular old Hitchhiker, but knit it without beads. I do have some ideas for further "prettification" for this one, along with other beading ideas for other Hitchhikers, but those will have to wait until later. 

I haven't knit much at all, but this is what it looks like so far. Those five teeth are the result of knitting a few rows when I've been on hold with the bank yet again, trying to get instructions on how to send a wire by phone, or while chatting with the title company in Fort Collins to clear up document issues. Fingers crossed we close on Ryan's house in CO today after a delay and some scrambling yesterday.

I managed to read a couple of books this week, a pre-publication copy of Smile and Project Hail Mary. Smile is a memoir from playwright Sarah Ruhl about a decade in her life when she suffered from Bells' palsy. It made me think about our smiles, faces, how our physicality can help determine our emotions, and how we perceive others. Project Hail Mary is a great science-fiction story from the author of The Martian. There was plenty of science that I didn't understand, but I found the story to be creative and compelling. I'll be concentrating monogamously on Unsettled Ground so I can return the library book before I have to leave for CO. 

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. My attempt at adding beads to a Hitchhiker was also underwhelming. Perhaps that is because the genius of the Hitchhiker is in the simplicity of it...

    Smile and Project Hail Mary both look intriguing! (and I am watching the library hold list for my turn with Unsettled Ground... it is slow going though!)

  2. I think your new Hitchhiker is going to be another stunner, Bonny . . . beads or no beads. (But you're right -- who needs to mess with beads during a cross-country car ride????) Hope you're enjoying Unsettled Ground. I'll be starting in soon. . . Sending the good juju for a smooth house closing TODAY. XO

  3. I kind of like the silver beads on the tips of the teeth, but I also agree that beads are not meant for car knitting. And I know that a plain Hitchhiker is your idea of perfect comfort knitting, so I think you've made a very wise choice. Good luck with your reading! I am determined to finish The Autobiography of Malcolm X today; I have about 100 pages and it's been on my shelf for too long.

  4. Like Sarah, I like the clear/silver bead on your swatch, but also like everyone else I vote for no beads during a car trip - LOL. That yarn is gorgeous and it will be yet another beautiful Hitchhiker. Send good vibes for a positive closing today!

  5. You made a wise choice, beads are not meant for car knitting! Your yarn is beautiful and will make a lovely hitchhiker. Hope all goes well with the house closing and your up coming travels!

    1. Thanks, Debbie! It's almost laughable that I was considering beads for car knitting, but at least now I know it's not as difficult as I had thought. Thanks for the good thoughts!

  6. Sounds like you are making smart plans for entertainment while driving cross country, Bonny. I must say that I am underwhelmed with the use of beads in knitting as well. I have never found a project that I particularly liked them on, unless it was a wedding or formal piece, where looks are more important than comfort. Just my humble opinion! I think this new HH will be very interesting since the colors are so far removed from any you have done lately. I have been reading whatever I can get at the library, but the pickings are very slim these days. I will have to look at the new Andy Weir book and see if I can get it. Sending all my good mojo vibes to you for getting these closing done ASAP!

  7. I can just picture those beads flying through the air when Ryan hits the brakes - just as well to skip that all together! My fingers are crossed that you're able to close today.

  8. Good choice on the beads because car knitting should be relaxing. This Hitchhiker is night and day different from your last. I like your range!

  9. Personally, I don't think beads are made for knitting in nearly any situation and certainly not a traveling one. You made a great choice! Sure hope the CO closing is behind you now! and best wishes for smoother sailing on all the other pieces and parts that have to come together for the move.

  10. Oh - this latest hitchhiker looks like another gorgeous knit. I think you are wise to not add beads. I would lose them in the car and who wants to juggle them on a plane. I'm sending all good thoughts for closing on the houses and the big move across the country. That is quite an undertaking. I have had a bit of a cast on party as I was getting a little bored with the current shawl. This evening I'm going to knit on some fingerless mitts that match a cowl I made in June 2020. I'm reading a retelling of a fairy tale/fantasy, The Bear and the Nightingale, a book group selection. It's nice to read about Russian winters on hot humid days.

  11. Love that yarn and it’s perfect for the pattern!

    1. Thank you, Tina! I really like how the colors are working so far.


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