Monday, May 3, 2021

Sometimes Monday ...

 ... is a day for a slow start. I hadn't slept well at all on Friday and Saturday nights, and after we came down to MD yesterday I had a terrible headache and had to go to bed at 7:30. It seems as if sleeping for 12 hours was what I needed to cure whatever ailed me, so I am feeling much more like myself this morning.

I went for a long walk in between the rain drops and saw some lovely azaleas and columbines. When I got back I puttered in the garden for a while, checking the peas, planting some corn, spinach, and carrots, and moving some volunteer tomatoes to a better location. 

I have two blueberry bushes in the back corners of the garden and I was glad to see how well they are doing. If you look behind the blueberry in the second photo below, you will see a sassafras tree! I have no idea where it came from, but I was thrilled to see it. My grandmother and I used to dig sassafras roots every spring and I love the tea. I have a vague idea that it has since been found to be carcinogenic, so I'll have to research that a bit before I drink any more tea, but just having a sassafras tree makes me happy.

Then I walked around to the shady side of the house and was glad to see that the ferns, mint, lily of the valley and hostas are all off to a good start. 

Even though I got off to a slow start this morning, it's turned into a decent Monday, and I even feel like I might clean the whole house! It's tiny enough that I can clean pretty thoroughly in about an hour, so I better take advantage of the cleaning mood while it's upon me. It doesn't happen very often!

However your Monday began, I hope your week is off to a good start!


  1. Oh please! come here and clean!! LOL Love seeing all your plantings and a sassafras tree! Wow! I hope you can brew some tea (safely). We have one very small blueberry bush and I'm hoping it will do well. It is right next to our fig, so perhaps Figgy can encourage it a bit! I just went out and picked some Lily of the Valley for the table. What a sweet, sweet fragrance, but it doesn't make me sneeze like the wisteria or lilacs.

  2. I'm glad that you're feeling refreshed!! I would definitely take advantage of that spontaneous cleaning bug!

  3. I'm glad that your Monday has gotten off to a good start, if slow. YES! Always take advantage of the urge to clean. It's so difficult to do it when you don't feel like it. It's kismet when it needs to be done and you feel happy to do it. I hope your week continues to be good. Your plants looks fabulous!

  4. So much green!!! I've been back to work 5 days for a bit and losing my Monday off also meant losing my cleaning mojo! Happy Monday friend - glad you're feeling better!

  5. I'm glad you are feeling better and refreshed! Right now I could clean my house daily and not be caught up. My dog doesn't look like she has much fur, but it is thick and she has been "blowing her coat", so if I dust and vacuum today the house will need it again tomorrow! It's a wonder my dog is not bald!

    1. I spoke too soon and only managed to get the bathroom cleaned today. Abby doesn't look like she has a lot or long fur, but I'm sure she keeps you busy with cleaning. Good luck and I hope the shedding slows down!

  6. Love seeing what you've got growing! My hiacynths and daffodils are winding down, I'm going to miss them, they make such great bouquets for inside the house.

    1. I wish I could have hyacinths in the house year round! I was going to pick some lily of the valley for a little bouquet but my husband thought that would make him sneeze. I'll just have to enjoy them in the beds outdoors.

  7. Zowie - that must have been some headache. I am prone to tension and migraine headaches so you have my sympathy. Sounds like rest was just what you needed. Your yard and garden are quite amazing. I hope the blueberry bushes do well.

  8. Oh yes - that urge to clean doesn't come up very often around here. Take advantage of it but don't let it get the best of you!

  9. I'm glad you are feeling better! I hope your energy was sustainable for cleaning!

  10. It's good to see everything growing so nicely! I also love seeing that dirt of your garden knowing how full it will be in a couple of months.

  11. Sounds like your Monday got off to a perfect start ... and how cool to find that sassafras tree. I just read Kym's post about a volunteer red bud. Great minds, you two!

  12. What a perfect way to start Monday! I am cheering you for listening to your body and allowing yourself to sleep! (and those Columbines! Wow!)

  13. the older I get the more important sleeping is for me AND I get ever so cranky if I'm missing sleep. Where are the 20's when I could live on air!!


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