
Thursday, February 25, 2021

Poetry on Thursday

This photo isn't related to the poems I chose for today. It's just a picture of what we have a lot of at the moment - snow and deer.

My choice of poetry today is a little different than usual. A week or so ago, Kat posted a link to a Lenten Journey through Poetry. I haven't done anything special for Lent in decades, but this intrigued me. I couldn't ignore poetry and "pathways to collective flourishing", so I signed up and surprised myself. Each day an email with a one word prompt arrives, and we are asked to "Reflect. Meditate. Pay attention. Feel. Then, write three lines of poetry." That is so simple that even I could manage to do it. I have and have enjoyed it immensely. So today I'm sharing two poems that I wrote. They're not great poetry, but I think you can only read so much poetry before you're compelled to write some yourself. I seem to do better with the structure of haiku, so that is what I'm sharing.



Remembering you
in the baking aisle, I cry,
miss you and love you. 

This happened when I was thinking about making my MiL's favorite dessert, cherry cheese pie, in memory of her on her birthday. I was surprised to find tears running down my face while I looked for evaporated milk in the baking aisle. She's been gone for two years now and sometimes missing her catches me unaware. 



No man an island,
We depend on each other.
Wear your damn mask, please. 

(This one is self-explanatory.)


So there you have it, some poems from my own pen (or keyboard). Thanks, Kat, and thanks to Lenten Journey Through Poetry. 

I wish you mindfulness, peace, good health, and the joy of writing a poem or two of your own as the week winds down. 


  1. I'm so glad you shared these! I was also intrigued when Kat posted the link, but I'm much too scared to actually write anything of my own. I hope you are willing to share more! :)

    1. Thank you, Katie! I was initially a little afraid because I am not much of a writer, but the first few days surprised me. I've really come to look forward to writing on most days!

  2. These are just wonderful Bonny! I have so enjoyed this little exercise every day. It is giving me something lovely to focus on with an afternoon cup of tea.

  3. Thank you for sharing these with us, Bonny. The first touched me and the second made me laugh (in a good way)!

  4. Bonny, I think these are good, very good. As you say, the second one is self explanatory, but the first one really touched my heart. Grief is sneaky, popping up when we least expect it, but it is a tribute to your good heart that it happened. Thank you so much for sharing them with me.

  5. Excellent!! I love these Bonny. LIke others, the first one is so touching and made me think of how much I miss my Mother (and Father) and also Fletcher's Mother. All such a big part of my life and now I just have memories. Sad. The second one is perfect!!

  6. What lovely bits of poetry, Bonny! Thanks so much for sharing. XO

  7. Love. Love. Thank-you for sharing these with us!

  8. Aw, sweet. The tears in the baking aisle is what Carole calls "sneaky grief." She said that to me once when I experienced something similar, and I'll never forget it.

    1. Vicki, I can't tell you how much it means to me that you remember this and it was helpful. XOXO

  9. I love these! And yes, just what Vicki remembered, that's sneaky grief right there in the grocery aisle.

  10. How wonderful! I think these haiku are beautiful.

  11. I love them both!! I am finding my daily Haiku February challenge lots of fun. And it's helping with my watercoloring as well :)


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