
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Another Nervous Breakdown

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday with another Nervous Breakdown. I was  talking to Ryan about having completed my 20th Hitchhiker and he said it was funny how he didn't seem to have any Hitchhikers. I reminded him that he did have the John Deere Hitchhiker (ravelry link) I knit for him, but then I started thinking.

Ryan gifted me with two skeins of Spun Right Round Nervous Breakdown and while I was knitting a Hitchhiker with it, I bought the last two skeins I could find, "just in case". They're not very well matched so I will have to alternate, but I think it's time to knit Ryan a Nervous Breakdown of his own.

I was planning a different Hitchhiker but it involves laceweight silk and cashmere yarn, and my patience only extended to winding one skein. It's lovely yarn, but very prone to tangling, at least in my somewhat impatient hands. I managed to get a knot that's barely visible but still bothers me when I think about it. Winding the second skein and starting this project has been put on the back burner until I recharge my patience. Knitting for my kids always takes precedence (even if they didn't actually ask for something knit), so a Nervous Breakdown has been started. 

My reading this week has slowed down a bit, but that's for a good reason. I am currently reading The Tidal Zone, in "real copy" format. I usually listen to audiobooks or read on my Kindle, but this experience has made me realize how rare it is for me to read a "real book". It's a different experience, and I'm enjoying turning down the corners of pages with things I want to return to. My copy is a used one, so I've also been curious about what a previous reader has chosen to underline. I'm about halfway through, and wanting both to ignore everything around me and keep reading to see what happens, and read slowly and savor. Luckily, I've got more Sarah Moss books piled up and ready to read when I finish this one.

What are you making and reading and savoring this week?


  1. LOVE your Nervous Breakdown yarn - I remember when you made your first Nervous Breakdown Hitchhiker and I'm sure this one will be just as stunning! I've discovered over the past year that "real" books are what I want to read. I love my Kindle for traveling, but I much prefer to hold a real book and turn the pages. (I also think spending so much time on a computer during the day for work has something to do with that - less screen time and all that.)

  2. love the colors! so bright and cheerful. I love the convenience of a kindle immensely but I prefer a real book.

  3. That yarn is SO awesome, I love the color transitions! Have fun with your new Nervous Breakdown and happy reading, too.

  4. Ryan is a lucky guy -- this Hitchhiker is going to be amazing!

    I am now reading my second physical book in a row in a long time, and I keep laughing at how used I've gotten to reading ebooks. I forget that with a print book I can't tap on a word to get a definition or highlight interesting passages with my finger. I do miss being able to multitask a bit, but it was also really nice to sit down with a cup of tea and a book in my hands yesterday afternoon.

  5. Ooo! I really love this Hitchhiker! What fun colors! Maybe I need to find a used copy of a book or two! :)

  6. I think knitting another Nervous Breakdown HH will be so much fun! You will be able to compare how your expectations compare with what you will actually get as you knit. I have not had a lot of downtime lately, so no exciting knitting or reading going on here, but I have books on hold so that could change instantly.

  7. I so love the colors of your Nervous Breakdown. It will be just perfect for Ryan -- AND you can think about him with every stitch. XO I have been reading mostly "real" books from my library since the start of the pandemic. I've discovered that I can usually get the holds for "real" books much quicker than I can with the downloads. (Never expected that. . . ) I just finished Sarah Moss' Summerwater. It was divine!

  8. Make sure you look online for Coventry Cathedral to enhance your Tidal Zone experience.

    1. Great minds do think alike! I have gotten to the part talking about the roof, baptistry window, and the West Screen when it occurred to me that I needed to see what Coventry Cathedral actually looks like.

  9. Really nice colors there Bonny! (Urrrgggghhhh to the knot.) So that means I pick you up around 4/1 and you can hand deliver? xo

  10. I remember the other Nervous Breakdown and this one will be just as nice. Reading a real book is so nice - the smell of paper, the way pages open against the spine, the weight in the hands - I could go on and on. I sometimes order used books from Powells and also like to imagine the other readers. I don't know the title you wrote about so will look it up. Thanks for the recommendation.


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