Tuesday, February 21, 2017

SoS (the good kind)

I know there is plenty of winter left, but when temperatures were near 60 degrees last weekend, I had to get out in the lovely warming sunshine, peek under the leaves in the flower beds, and take a look around. I did resist the urge to uncover all the flower beds; surely there is more winter weather ahead?

There are tulips and hyacinths coming up.

Crocus that don't look like much now, but will probably be blooming in a week or two.

Mums are sprouting.

And I was really happy to see new growth on the columbines I started from seed a few years ago.

There was even laundry on the line.

Best of all were the snowdrops I found blooming in various places.

Sure Signs of Spring! (We just don't usually see them in February.)


  1. I love snowdrops and hooray for all that green coming up! We still have snow cover but it should be all melted and gone by the end of the week.

  2. Oh my. It is so sunny, warm and melty here right now -- through tomorrow -- but then the party is OVER. It's going to be 27F on Friday! Brrrr. I haven't taken a tour of the yard; maybe I'll do that with Jun tomorrow.

  3. This weather is really insane - we were in the 60's all weekend and have the same forecast for the remainder of the week! I agree, there surely must be some winter left - I just don't want it in April!

  4. We've had the same crazy warm up and now the cold and snow of winter are returning. This is the time of year for the tug-o-war of nature.

  5. It is just bizarre, isn't it? I'm all for warmth and sunshine . . . but it freaks me out in February.

  6. SoS for sure! I don't think we have snowdrops around here and I love seeing them pop up in my feed. I can't imagine spring is here for good, but this warm sunny stretch will hopefully get us through whatever's left to come.

  7. well would you look at that! lots of spring photos, which isn't here quite yet but it's coming soon. Love the laundry line photo!!


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