Friday, October 11, 2024

Are You Resilient?

 I'm not, or I think I could be more resilient, so I took some action after reading this on NPR. 

NPR is doing a series of newsletters over five weeks that they say will provide "powerful tools and strategies that have been shown to help people reduce anxiety and improve feelings of well-being". I've only received the first newsletter, and it has the usual advice that we've all probably read (and maybe practiced) before, like breathing exercises.

More interesting (to me, anyway) is this: NPR is collaborating with Northwestern University to bring an online stress-reduction course and research study to their audience. This free course is based on the work of Judith Moskowitz, a research psychologist at Northwestern's Feinberg School of Medicine. It teaches eight skills to boost positive feelings.

The course is based on her 20-plus years of research studying people who have experienced difficult situations, such as being diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer and people who are caregivers for loved ones with Alzheimer's. Her peer-reviewed studies point to benefits. They are recruiting 20,000 participants for an online, self-guided, positive emotions study. The course will teach eight science-backed stress reduction skills over 5 weeks, with the 6th week being a practice and review period (the entire length of the study will be 12 weeks).

I signed up for the course/study and I can see how this may be beneficial. I'm only in the first week, but there are readings about the skills (Positive Events, Savoring, and Gratitude this week) and home practice (basically just writing about positive events and gratitude on a discussion board like many of you already do in a gratitude journal). I've failed at journaling and documenting things plenty of times before but this format works better for me with everything all in one place and a personal "Dashboard" so I can see what I've done and what I still have to do. It's not overwhelming and I think consistency and practice are important for me. Other skills that will be covered include:

  • Daily Mindfulness
  • Positive Reappraisal 
  • Self-Compassion
  • Personal Strength 
  • Attainable Goals
If any of this sounds like it might be useful to you or just something you'd like to try, here are the sign-up links:

NPR Stress Less newsletter sign up here.

The Resilience Challenge Course/Study registration information sign up here

Here's to being more resilient!


  1. I'd like to think I am resilient when I am at my best! It takes a lot of effort to focus on good things but I can do it most of the time. I journal daily sometimes multiple times a day and meditation helps me too. Thanks for the links!!

  2. Thanks for the links, Bonny! Because I have turned off All The News lately, I missed this -- but want to sign up and check this out for myself. I THINK I'm resilient, but these days . . . I'm not so sure -- and I can use all the help I can find.

  3. Looks really interesting - thank you for the links!! I feel as though I am pretty resilient...but who knows??

  4. This is great information, Bonny and it sounds like it's just the thing for you! I hope it continues to be helpful and that it strengthens your resilience.

  5. Thank you, Bonny, so much. I totally missed this, and I appreciate your sharing this. I have registered, and I am looking forward to this course if they will have me. I know I am resilient, but I would certainly benefit from some assistance in that area these days. I have done similar courses in the past, but it's been quite a while. BTW, I think that people who actually question their resilience must be somewhat resilient to even consider it. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  6. What a great resource! Thanks for sharing. You don't have to be having a complete breakdown to need support. I subscribe to the Calm app and absolutely love it. It covers all the bases for me and is worth every penny.

    1. I'm anxious about facing four more years if "that guy" wins the Presidential election, so I'm trying to boost my resilience just in case. Thanks for the info about the Calm app; I'm going to look into that one.

  7. Thanks for these links! I know I am more resilient than I used to be, but we can all be better. I'm going to share this information with my husband, because he's been under an enormous amount of stress and it's affecting his health.

  8. How very interesting. This feels very timely and I'm sure NPR has pulled together very credible sources. Thank you.


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