
Monday, June 17, 2024


It was a relatively quiet weekend here. John, Justin, and Jess are on a fishing trip in Montana, but since Ryan and I are less enthusiastic about fishing, we stayed home. John has been away for our anniversary (43 years) and my birthday (67 years) but that's okay. I celebrated my birthday with Ryan and it was one of the best in a long time. 

My mother used to make something called Supper on a Bread Slice. It involved putting raw hamburger on top of half a loaf of French bread and baking it. Getting the hamburger fully cooked involved baking it for about 45 minutes, so the bread was well beyond crusty and you could easily break a tooth. I hated the stuff but Ryan has been tinkering with the recipe to make it edible. It's actually more than edible; it's delicious. For my birthday he made his latest variation - chicken bacon ranch on a bread slice.

He's already thinking about his next two iterations - barbecue chicken and chicken parm on a bread slice. 

He also made me a cake. It was chocolate, deliciously moist with coffee and cinnamon. It got a little gooey on top and the lid sank into the cake, so he scraped the top off and re-iced it. Ordinarily, his cakes are picture perfect, but we ate both the bowl cake and had proper pieces and they were delicious. 

Ryan was kind enough to send me home with leftovers so I could have the traditional birthday cake for breakfast on Sunday.

It was the perfect birthday, no pressure to have fun (but I did) and no big fuss (which I dislike). Here's hoping your weekend was equally enjoyable!


  1. Happy belated birthday! I'm glad that you weren't totally alone and that you had someone to cook you a delicious meal!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! What a delight to have a son who makes a delicious meal and CAKE! Perfection! Stay cool this week!

  3. That DOES sound perfect -- someone you love and who loves you, yummy food, good memories...and cake for breakfast! Happy Belated, Bonny.

    1. Thanks, Carolyn! It was wonderful and I'm having the last piece of cake for breakfast today.

  4. that was the perfect birthday! I love the dinner, anything easy is a winner to me!! Happy birthday to you!!

  5. Happy Birthday, Bonny! In my experience, all you need to have a happy birthday is some love, and it looks like you got a lot. I haven't had cake for breakfast in many years, and now I can't think of anything else.

  6. Happy birthday! Supper on a Bread Slice is genius. It's beans on toast around here when I need to throw something on bread. I may have to give that a try.

    1. Now that I don't have to eat the awful stuff my mother made I've become a big fan of things on a bread slice!

  7. Happy Birthday, Bonny! It's so nice that you were able to spend it with your son and that he cooked for you!

  8. Happy Perfect Birthday, Bonny!! It really does sound lovely.

    Do I remember you saying that your mother didn't like to cook? I've never heard of anything like her Supper on a Bread Slice... and I really can't imagine it being anything other than awful. My mom used to make something that my dad called Sh*t On A Shingle (that's what they called it in the Air Force) -- which is as close as I can come, but the ground beef was browned in a skillet then combined with some gravy and THEN put on a slice of bread (or maybe toast). It's also pretty clear from the moniker that my dad didn't like it and I recall a few arguments about it being served. ;)

  9. Happy Birthday, Bonny! I like the you celebrated in the way that felt just right for you. My mom used to make something similar and we called it French bread pizza. I think she was just doing a copy cat of the Stouffer's one at the store because it was (a) better and (b) cheaper.

  10. Happy Birthday! We had a dish like you described growing up (from a recipe in the AAUW cookbook I think?!) and I remember it involved foil ... so maybe that's what kept the bread from over-toasting? In any event, it was a favorite meal! I do think, though, that Ryan has improved it, and I'm so glad he cooked something fun and thoughtful for your birthday dinner. and sent you home with leftovers.

  11. Happy belated Birthday and Anniversary. A day with your son sounds just perfect for a birthday. Ryan sounds like a great cook, tinkering with a recipe. The cake looks delicious.


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