
Friday, June 14, 2024

A Few Nuggets

I'm sharing just a few pictures of Nugget. I've been going down every other day to collect the mail, water plants, give water to the reptiles (shudder), clean the litter box and then, of course, visit with Nugget. 

She usually sits next to me on the sofa while I scratch her neck. I've tried to take her collar off so I can remove her bandana, but I haven't been successful so far. I don't think she needs to wear a bandanna in a slightly hot house in the summer. 

This isn't a great picture but I had to take one. After I scratched her neck for a while she decided she wanted to sleep on my lap for a half hour. That has never happened but I think she was so glad to see me that she wanted to make sure I didn't leave too quickly.

But I did leave, and here she is looking at me accusingly from inside while I was on my way out. The neighbors might think I'm a little nuts for yelling, "Sorry, Nugget" repeatedly. 

But I'm going back down today for more of the things that have to be done and then enjoying Nugget's company. Maybe we'll watch a movie together and I think she deserves some treats. (If only I didn't have to tend to those repulsive reptiles!)


  1. She is just adorable, Bonny! Enjoy your movie together! And have a great weekend!

  2. She's such a sweet kitty, Bonny. (The reptiles though . . . ) I'm sure she loves your company -- and I'm sure Justin and Jess are comforted that you're holding down the fort (reptiles and all) for them while they travel. XO

  3. She is super cute and I agree a bandana in the hot weather would be warm but she knows best, lol!

  4. I think it is a great idea to watch a movie with Nugget. I bet she is lonely, and it will lower your blood pressure to have some cuddles. I miss my pets, but no reptiles allowed. UGH

  5. SUCH sweet pictures. Sounds to me like sitting down for a movie will make Nugget a *very* happy girl. (I'm surprised and impressed that she tolerates accessories to her wardrobe!)

    1. Me, too! I've tried telling her that she's cute even if she isn't wearing accessories and I think I'll try removing it again today.

  6. Aw. Sometimes I miss having a cat. It's so perfect that you can just visit! (Except for the reptiles.)

  7. Nugget is definitely giving you "the look" in that window photo! Fred & George do the same thing to our friends who come check on them when we are away.

  8. I am not a cat person, but Nugget seems like the kind of cat I would enjoy spending time with. I'm sure she greatly appreciates your company and attention.

  9. Isn't she pretty! I can't believe she let someone put a bandana on her. My kitties would have taken your arm off if you tried. She does look quite fetching in it though.

    1. She is pretty peaceful until she reaches her limit and then she bites!

  10. Cats love it when you settle in to watch a movie (as long as it is not a war moie -- too many booms).

  11. What a sweet little kitty. I bet she loved watching a movie with you. Dinner and a movie date with Nugget sounds like a great way to while away a summer afternoon.


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