The summer doldrums have given me posting doldrums. I was casting about for some Friday Letters ideas but ... nothing. It finally dawned on me that I could do a Right Now post. When I searched through my archives, it turns out that I haven't done this since August 2021, so the last Friday in July seems like a good time to catch up.
John's tomato jungle |
The bean, cucumber, and zucchini jungle |
Making - Things with garden produce. Cucumbers in sour cream, tzatziki sauce, zucchini fritters, zucchini marinara ... and hopefully some ripe tomatoes soon.
Looking Forward To - Visiting my SiL, her husband, and our niece in northern PA next week. We had planned a visit two years ago, but then covid. I still have the vodka and bottles of tonic I was going to take, so all I need to do is get plenty of limes and I'm ready to go.
Grateful For - No longer having to make the drive to MD. When I looked back at past posts, I'm reminded of how much that shaped my life (and how very much I disliked it) for more than three years. I'm glad that chapter in my life is finished!
Look how she's smiling! (I don't think that was exactly how I looked.) |
Celebrating - That I'm finally all signed up for Medicare and its associated Parts. I started researching the whole process in April and May of this year, turned 65 in June, and finished the signing-up in late June. They sent me some new piece of information every week, and I finally received my Medicare card earlier this week. You can't do much until you get your card, but once I had that official piece of paper I had to choose a prescription plan and supplemental (Medigap) insurance. That took much of yesterday and I just shook my head at that system - Plans A, B, D, G, K, L, M, N, and each one is offered in NJ by 12 or 13 different insurance companies. I finally found a plan and a company that seem like they will work for me, but I haven't yet been to the doctor with Medicare. Wish me luck in August (and when I decide to sign up for Social Security)!
Found under the stove: 51 cents and a motorcycle. Justin called dibs on the motorcycle, so Ryan gets the 51 cents. |
Cleaning - My kitchen, quite thoroughly. It started about a month ago when I saw a few little black ants on the counter. I cleaned, sprayed, and put out ant baits. John sprayed outside. Ever since then, these ants have been the bane of my existence. Each time I went into the kitchen it seemed like they had appeared at some new location. I've removed and put away lots of things that were on the countertop, cleaned more and often, and sprayed often (being careful around food and food preparation surfaces). Last night we pulled out the stove to make sure the nest and queen weren't behind it. (They weren't, just a lot of greasy dust, 51 cents, and a motorcycle.) I'll spare you a picture of that whole mess, but I think that everything that can be cleaned and sprayed in the kitchen has been cleaned and sprayed. I even tore out some insulation underneath the kitchen in the basement and sprayed there. I haven't seen any live ants on the counter in 24 hours, only dead ones, so I'm hoping that the little buggers have taken the bait back to the queen and they're all dead. The only good ant is a dead ant.
Some of these ant names seem less than scientific. |
Wondering About - The phrase "bane of my existence". Supposedly the word bane comes from "bana" which means destroyer. The ants did not exactly destroy my life, but they sure caused me a lot of unhappiness and frustration. Someone recently told me that filling ice trays was the bane of their existence and I just laughed at the hyperbole. (Ants are clearly more of a bane than filling ice trays.) :-)
Wishing For - A good soaking rain (really any rain would be most welcome).
What's going on in your world right now?
Have a good weekend and see you in August on Monday!