
Friday, March 13, 2020

Sky Watcher

This has been a week of gray skies and rain, but sometimes you're also lucky enough to see a rainbow. 
No rainbows this week, but that's not going to keep me from looking for them.

Stop Panic, Clean Hands, Open Hearts 


  1. "Clean Hands, Open Hearts" is a great mantra for this crazy time. I wish you a panic-free weekend!

  2. It has been rainy and gray here all week, but spring showers and all that jazz, huh? The weather guy says it will continue for the next 10 days. YIKES, that's a lot of rain to add to the already saturated ground in my neck of the woods. Good thing I bought those muck boots. On a positive note, my cherry trees are just about to bloom, and the warmer temps are very welcome. I love your closing, Bonny. My hands are clean, and my heart is open. And I will not panic; it won't help anything. Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. love your last line :) I have been simplifying my life to accept the clean hands and stop panicking part! Now to open my heart... Hope you have a restful weekend with a rainbow!

  4. The skies here this morning were crazy! The clouds were moving by at warp speed! Have a great weekend (or at least one with clean hands and an open heart!)

  5. Always be looking for rainbows. Great advice!

  6. Have a good weekend, however you can make it work for you.

  7. Open hearts! Yes!!! Someone at the hospital yesterday told me that people were being flat out mean about having to sign in or not be able to go in...settle down folks! Here's to a relaxing weekend...we've got snacks and cocktails what else do you need? :-)

  8. Hoping all people will keep their heads. Our state is shutting down EVERYTHING in hopes they can stop the virus from spreading. They are most worried about people in my age group. We have a gorgeous sunrise this morning. That's where my heart is finding peace-in nature.

  9. Love the ending of your post Bonny - PERFECT!! And looking for (and finding) rainbows is always fun! Enjoy your weekend.

  10. I love the phrase "open hearts" ... I just sent a few updates to friends at church and that phrase popped up more than once. Sending y'all a warm, virtual hug!

  11. Yup!!! Good things will come. Look for the hELPERS as Fred rogers said!!!

  12. Very good advice. With rainbows and open hearts we can't go wrong.


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