
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Unraveled Wednesday

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday.

So close! I haven't had time for much knitting lately, but last night I tried to make a concerted effort to finish my Frostbite Fighter Sockhead Cowl. I think I've only got six rows of ribbing to go, but I was so tired that I'm not sure I trust my counting. I fell asleep with my knitting in my lap several times before I finally gave in and went to bed. Hopefully I'll catch up with all my necessary duties this week and find a few free minutes to finish this project, because look what's waiting patiently for its turn next ...

My Fading Tardis Hitchhiker, at long last! I hope this doesn't sound too strange, but I actually knit a few rows on it during my father's viewing. It took the edge off of things for me, and gave me and our visitors something to talk about after they had expressed their sympathy. I can hardly wait to get back to its beautiful blues. 

Reading time has also been curtailed, but I was surprised to look back and see that I've finished three five-star books: Every Note Played, Reservoir 13, and Tell Me More. I'm currently listening to Redwall, but that's a family favorite comfort read while I wait for the next great book to find me. 

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Knitting brings comfort, and it gets us through the toughest of times. I'm so glad you found some peace from your knitting when you needed it most. XO
    (And I loved Reservoir 13!)

  2. I am not certain I could get through the day without knitting and reading. Such amazing blessings live in each stitch and word. I really love how your Fading Tardis Hitchhiker is looking! I am listening to Before We Were Yours and it is a wonderfully told story.

  3. I read your review, and I promptly checked out Tell Me More from the library. I am enjoying it. I don't think it is strange at all to knit when you feel it is a comfort. I think it is a perfect foil for staying in the moment and yet escaping simultaneously. I hope you find time this week to finish that cowl and move on to your Tardis! I want to see you wearing that shawl.

    1. I loved Tell Me More and hope you also enjoy it! I read it at a time when I was thinking about all the things I wish I had said, but I did say "Tell me more" the other day during a conversation and I learned a lot about how my mil was really feeling. Hopefully I'll finish the cowl tonight before I fall asleep with it on my lap, and move on to my Tardis hitchhiker. I want to be wearing that shawl - soon!

  4. I'm so glad your knitting was able to bring you some peace and comfort. Your Hitchhiker is looking fabulous! The books you've read all sound so good - particularly Reservoir 13. I'm currently reading "The Woman Who Smashed Codes" and am thoroughly enjoying it (plus there's math in it - lol).

  5. wow the fade is quite noticeable now! lovely colors to be working on during February. Happy Valentine's day to you!

  6. Knitting is a very soothing activity and we do whatever we must to take care of ourselves. I am on the list for Every Note Played and looking forward to my turn.

  7. I've never read Redwall but Dan had them all! He did a pretty sweet project in 6th grade that was a map of the Redwall world. The teacher kept it! I'm glad you had your knitting to occupy hands and mind as needed. xo

  8. Wow! The color change in your Hitchhiker is finally noticeable. Looks great! So sorry to hear about your dad. Knitting can be such a comfort!

  9. So sorry for your loss. I think it is wonderful that you knit during the viewing. Just wonderful> That shawl will always have very special meaning for you. Big hugs

  10. In times of sorrow, we all need a touchstone, something concrete, that brings not only comfort band also solace. I am sorry to hear of your father's passing. His memory and your memories will bring you through.

  11. I've got a sockhead cowl started also! Need to get back to it. And I have a Beyond Hitchhiker on the needles... I do not think it odd at all that you knitted at your Father's viewing. It brought you comfort and that is all that really matters... So sorry to hear about your Dad...

    Linda in VA

  12. I think knitting at your Father's visitation is very touching. You will treasure those stitches for a long time. It is never easy to lose a loved one, no matter the circumstances. The color in the hitchhiker is so pretty.

  13. Knitting calms my nerves and helps with anxious situations - I think it's lovely that you knit at times during your dad's wake. I love the lighter shades of your Hitchhiker that are finally showing up!

  14. Hopefully, you were able to get a good nights sleep and work on the cowl when well rested. Your knitting likely calmed others, too and made them feel like they had something to say besides a condolence. Fading looks like it's nearing the end and will soon be a warm comfort for you, Bonny. I look forward to its glory!

  15. I hope you've found that much-needed rest. and when not resting, time to knit more on that beautiful blue hitchhiker (I'm sure you knew you were preaching to the choir ... I hope you knew your dad - and your mom - were smiling at every stitch). I've got those three books on hold and look forward to enjoying them like you did. And have you read Craig Johnson's Longmire series? If not, I think you would love them. The books are a little different from the TV show, but honestly, I'd recommend both.


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