
Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Like many others, I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. Many of my issues began during last year's election season. I thought that lots of people seemed to be confused about the differences between facts and opinions, were woefully deficient in empathy and the desire for equality, and I also discovered that Facebook is not the place for clear-headed, well-reasoned inquiries and discussions. Oh, the drama (and it's not always about politics)!

I've used Facebook less and less over the past few months, and have deleted the app from my phone and Kindle. I've come very close to deleting my account several times, but just can't bring myself to completely walk away. There are some people that I'm only connected with through Facebook and I want to maintain that. I can occasionally read some interesting articles, find some new recipes, see what books friends are reading that I might have missed on goodreads, keep up with Carole's exciting candidacy for Selectman Committee, and even see what my kids might be doing.

There is another feature that I like, and that's On This Day. It's just what it says; Facebook reminds me what I posted or shared on this day in the past. Most of them are inconsequential or even inane, but given my poor memory, I do enjoy these throwbacks.

We've had plenty of snow, sleet, freezing rain, wintry mix, and cold temperatures this winter, but recently Facebook reminded me that it really hasn't been that bad. These photos from the end of January 2016 showed me a real snow storm (three feet +) and that I had lots of help clearing it.

And these photos from 2011 remind me what will be appearing in the spring!


  1. I am with you on the efficacy of FB, my start was to keep track of what my then teenage kids were doing there. Now, my kids barely use it. I have "unfollowed" many of the groups I had been following which has brought to my "wall" more things my friends are doing. That was a bonus. I must admit, I am eager for the last photo to be reality in my yard! Come on spring! XO

  2. I hear you on FB. I have an account, but almost never go on. I find most of what people post either bores me to tears or annoys the piss out of me. so, why bother?

    I remember that snow! and your pictures are so pretty (always pretty when fresh). Your flower shots are a joy - thank you.

  3. I feel the same way about Facebook. I have joined a few groups that I like to check on but mostly it’s just a quick scroll through. I actually unfollowed a bunch of people last year so their opinions don’t even show up on my feed

  4. I use FB to keep track of what is happening with my family as they are not great communicators otherwise. It's also given me a connection to some friends I don't see often. And I know this is terrible, but it's also shown me that the people from my high school who were the "in" crowd are now for the most part, fat or really old-looking, which is a boost to my shallow ego. (I know.)

  5. I don't have a Facebook account, heresy I know! I have always felt it would be a time waster for me, and I have enough of those already. I'm sure I would feel differently if I had children who used FB. That SNOW! Wow, I don't remember that. I have been reading a book about memory, and it is interesting to learn how we manage to forget things or actually change a memory so quickly. I am so ready for some spring green, Bonny. I love the smell of little green things popping up and renewing the world. I wish that for both of us as soon as is possible! Make up your mind to have a better day today.

    1. Not heresy, just smart! I've had some interesting conversations about our childhood with my sister recently, and it's amazing how different our memories are of the same event. We had a big melt last weekend with lots of rain and I'll admit I checked the flowerbeds for snowdrops, but it's still too early here. I do need to make up my mind to have a better day today; I have to go to the DMV to renew my license! :-)

  6. I also deleted FB from my phone since I found almost everything posted there inane I don't miss much. Instagram is more fun with much less drama (just a few more ads). Your snow of last year looks so beautiful (albeit a ton of work). We're still in the 50s, but I hear a change is coming. Maybe we'll have winter after all.

  7. When it comes to getting the word out to a lot of people Facebook is the best even though the politics can be icky. Have you tried Social Fixer? It can be set to hide stuff about politics and also ads - it's pretty good. I did have to stop using it, though, or it wouldn't have showed me MY OWN campaign stuff! hahaha. Thanks for the link and the endorsement!

  8. My sister & I have discussed these very same FB issues. I've eliminated the app on my phone and when I have some time am going to clean things up a bit by unfollowing certain groups, etc. I enjoy Instagram and find it more pleasant than FB.

  9. I'm so glad I"m not alone on my FB issues! I need to unfollow a bunch of stuff. And maybe try Instagram!

    1. I recently unfollowed some people and groups. It made fb a little more enjoyable, but still only worth a quick scroll. I'm also enjoying instagram - pretty pictures, inspiration, and very little drama!

  10. I could have written the exact same post about Facebook. But, like you, there ARE a few friends that I keep in touch with that way.

    It won't be too long until you are seeing new flowers --- and the photo of your son (?) laying in the snow really made me laugh.

  11. WOw. You nailed it with Facebook. I get frustrated when folks MESSAGE me there instead of sending an email. Oh well. Flowers seem months away and they are. I need to keep focusing on my sock knitting and pushing through these winter days.

    1. I did look at the flower beds last weekend, searching for some evidence of snowdrops, but I guess mid-Feb. is still a bit too early! :-)

  12. I've taken FB off my phone as well but like you, can't completely make the break. (Though the analytics make me crazy!) I would have liked three feet of snow a week or two ago to give us something to play in rather than live in this icy hell but now...bring on the spring blooms!

  13. On This Day is even more thrilling when there are grandchildren on the scene/screen!! It's one of my favorite things about FB.

  14. I stopped my account totally, ever since FB was showing “fake” news (And I never read the news there anyway). The general rumors of insecure areas about it scared me away. There are several relatives who still have it so I get family updates now and then.
    Snow, you know how I love snow. Those drifts and piles remind me of many happy times.
    The daffodils here in TN are peaking up green leaves so, spring is in the air.

    1. I'm quite envious of your daffodils! Ours won't be up for another couple of months, so maybe I need to get a bunch at the grocery store to enjoy in the mean time.

  15. I removed the Facebook app from my phone in early November, and although it was really hard for a few days, I was able to break my Facebook habit right away -- and so easily. I don't even miss it! I still have my account, but think more and more about closing it out. (And I am so ready for flowers in my garden. . . )

  16. I am not on FB never was and probably won't ever be. So I do not know what I am missing. I love that the birds are singing away in the morning, I've missed them so!

  17. The more I hear about FB, the happier I am that I don't have an account there! Instagram is the only social media my family does and it works for us. I might have a few spring-like views to pop into my feed soon (and boy I hope I don't have any more snow!)


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