
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Skeletons R Us

John had some errands to run last weekend, and since Home Depot was not on the list, I decided to ride along with him. We did have to go to Tractor Supply, and I was greeted by the skeletal evidence that Halloween is near. There were skeletons everywhere!

I like how the giant rooster skeleton looks like he is daring to step outside the red lines on the floor. I don't like how the manufacturers have chosen to skeletonize the comb and wattle. (In real life, they're not even made of cartilage, just connective tissue, but I get that giant rooster skeletons are not real life.)

If you don't want a giant rooster skeleton, maybe a smaller duckling will do. Those are spiders on the right. I realize that spiders are typical Halloween decorations but spiders don't even have a skeleton composed of bones. In real life, spiders have a chitinous exoskeleton but skeleton displays are clearly not real life. 

I think the manufacturers may have run out of animals to skeletonize, and I present the hummingbird skeletons on the left. Those don't make any sense to me for Halloween but they are only $4.99. I do applaud the snakes - creepy holiday decor and anatomically accurate!

I think real turtles are kind of cute but these turtle skeletons just fall short in so many ways. 

How about a pile o' pig skeletons with a dog on top and a little rat? (No, thank you.)

I resisted buying any skeletons of any sort but for those of you who might need some, you better hurry. Only 84 more days until Halloween!


  1. So weird! I do not understand the desire to have skeletons of everything.

  2. I have not been to a Tractor Supply or Home Depot in eons... but I was in JoAnns last week and I think The Ghosts of Every Halloween of My Lifetime found its final resting space on the shelves there! It was CHOCK FULL of every Halloween item you ever (or never) thought of... but I did not see any Hummingbird or Chicken Skeletons!

  3. Yikes. That means Christmas decorations are right around the corner!!

  4. I am laughing! Good grief, am I supposed to be scared of a hummingbird skeleton? I don't get it, but then again, I don't get a lot of things about what people will buy. Thanks for this, Bonny, I don't get out much anymore. :)

  5. Your commentary is cracking me up right now! Who the hell needs this amount of skeletons?!?

  6. Oh, my... they are creepy. I love Halloween but those skelly critters are a bridge too far for me. They make me sad.

  7. I will admit to buying a wooden Hocus Pocus sign at TJ Maxx a week or two ago. Skeletons are creepy to me except for Jack Skeleton. My sister likes Tractor Supply so I will have to ask her if she saw the skelton.

  8. Good grief. I hope the skeletons are a sign the summer is cooling off, although around here that is a forlorn hope. Honestly, sometimes I think the world is a little more than bonkers. I do appreciate a bit of humor though. - 84 more days indeed.

  9. MY goodness that is a lot of skeletons! It's like the gnomes at Christmas time they are super abundant!!

  10. LOL They are a lot cheaper than Michaels. I might just have to hurry on over.

  11. Hahahaha -- too many skeletons for me. I just don't get it at all...but the rooster made me laugh.

  12. wow. I had NO idea they made that many different types of skeletons. The only ones I see around here are humans ... maybe there isn't a Tractor Supply anywhere close?!


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