Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday: 5/1/24

Kat is on vacation so there is no official Unraveled Wednesday today. But it is Wednesday and I have unraveling, so there you go. It is also May Day! My kids think I'm talking about something that happened 100 years ago (it was only 61 years ago in 1963), but we had an actual May Day celebration when I was in first grade. This included a tall pole that teachers had hung crepe paper streamers from the top and all the girls did a sort of dance holding onto the end of a streamer so the streamers ended up woven around the pole. I'm not sure ours looked as nice as this short video from 2017, but it was fun.

But enough about things from 100 years ago. Let's talk about knitting now. 

I started knitting Jess' socks. She always wears anklet socks so I already have a break on these gift socks. This is the cuff, a few rows with the Denali yarn, and then the beginning of the heel flap. 

When I took it out of my knitting bag and really looked at it, I wasn't happy with those three rows of Denali. I didn't like how this section of the self-striping yarn looked next to the pale lavender contrast of the cuff and the beginning of the heel.

I had just barely started so it wasn't a big deal to unravel it. 

I think that I'll cast on again with the Denali, and do only the heel in the contrasting lavender. I haven't started yet because I picked up Justin & Jess at the airport last night and didn't get home until 1:30 am. I know enough not to knit when I'm functioning with too few hours of sleep!

I spent a lot of time cat-sitting Nugget at her house last week, so I didn't finish any books. I enjoyed playing with her, hiding treats for her to find, and just sitting with her while I scratched her ears and listened to her purr. 

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Those yarns are so pretty! I'm sorry you had to unravel...but as you said, there wasn't a lot to unravel. After making my shortie February socks, I've decided that short socks are wonderful (so fast)!! Nice to hear you had such a good time with Nugget (I just love that name).

  2. That is just beautiful yarn, Bonny, and I can't wait to see how the ankle socks turn out! (Sorry about the ripping out, but . . . it's just part of the process . . . ) May Day was always a big deal when I was growing up . . . First, it's my Dad's birthday. But also because my mom helped us make May Day baskets to hang on our neighbors' doors - which was the ultimate in excitement to me as a child! (As I remember, they were heavy on hand-decorated paper doilies and filled with small candies and lawn violets.) I always wanted to do a May Pole dance, but we never had one. I'm terribly jealous that you were able to take part in one (a hundred years ago. . . ).

  3. Sounds like Nugget had the very best care possible! And these are going to be such fun shortie socks. I'm with you -- when you know THAT FAST that you're not gonna love it, it's worth the quick rip.

    When my kids were small, we used to leave May Day bouquets on neighbors' doors using rinsed tin cans for vases. One particular neighbor was essentially bedridden and appreciated it so much she talked about it on and off throughout the year! And when she died, the first thing my kids said was, "We can't bring her May Day flowers this year." I know it's not so common anymore, but I do hope my children carry it on if and when they have children one day.

    1. I love that you and your kids distributed May Day bouquets and I hope your kids carry it on in some way. May Day bouquets make too many people happy to have the tradition die off completely!

  4. Somehow I must have missed the maypole thing growing up. I have heard of it but have never seen it in action before. Those are both pretty yarns but sometimes even pretty ones don't play nice together.

    1. I cast on again last night with the Denali yarn and I was thinking the same thing that you expressed. Maybe I don't need a contrast color at all? We'll see what I end up with after I knit more. Maybe you can find a local May Pole even to participate in! ;-)

  5. so glad you found it sooner than later! I believe my mother was a 'may' queen back in the day and it was a really big deal around the maypole.

  6. Nugget is a very lucky kitty! I love that lavender color and I hope you'll do something great with it after you're done with the sock heels.

  7. I danced around a May Pole as a little girl as well! I wonder if anyone does it anymore?

    Sorry the socks need to be restarted, but a cuff isn't much knitting and I know you'll be back to where you were in no time.

  8. I never danced around a May Pole, but I remember making May baskets in school and leaving them on neighbors' doors on our way home. I hope you have a lovely May!

    1. I like thinking that so many of us have May Day remembrances. I wonder if they celebrate it in school at all now? I hope your May is especially lovely, too, Debbie!

  9. I didn't dance around a May Pole but my Mom helped my sibs and I make May baskets. Mom insisted we all make one for every classmate and I had three sibs. How we got them all delivered I don't recall but it was fun. The socks yarn is pretty and aren't you the wise knitter not to knit when tired.

  10. I'm sure you've started those socks again by now ... I think the Denali will be striking as the overall color - good call! also, I'm enjoying all the How to Say Babylon love ... poets writing memoir makes for fantastic reading, and discovering a new poet is pure joy, especially in April!

  11. I am hopeful you have a better start on those socks! I like both yarns very much!

  12. Your Maypole reference sent me down the rabbit hole of the internet. Did you know it may have originated 2,000 years ago in Roman Britain? Or they may have been invented in the 13th century in the Germanic countries? Whatever. The dance looks like a lot of fun.


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