
Friday, May 24, 2024

A Lovely Meetup

I met up with Dee and Vera yesterday and we had quite a nice day. We began with coffee, bagels, muffins, and plenty of chatting at a nice coffee house. (It smelled delicious and I may have to return someday for one of their cinnamon rolls). We started out chatting about doctors, medications, and hearing aids, but we did get out of old lady mode and moved on to discussing cats and other fun things. I did manage to knit six or seven rounds of the toe decreases on my sock and I think Dee knit quite a few rounds on her sock. I got to admire Vera's gorgeous Shakerag skirt and it's even prettier in person. Vera even remembered to take a photo. We each took one, so you can see three different photos of two of us if you visit each of our blogs. 


We had a nice lunch just a bit down the road before we headed home. I'm not sure we solved any of the world's problems but I had a very nice day. Big thanks to both Dee and Vera for the invitation!


  1. It was so good to get together with you Bonny!! Thanks for meeting up and let's plan to do it again before too long!

  2. I am so jealous that the three of you are close enough to meet up regularly! It sounds like you all had a wonderful time. I still think we need to do an in-person RWU one of these days!

  3. I can only imagine how much fun that must have been!

    1. It was wonderful to get together in person!

  4. What fun! (and the perfect way to kick off a long weekend!)

  5. I thought the whole purpose was to solve the world's problems? You'll have to meet up again and get on that!

    1. Dee and Vera may be better at solving the world's problems, but we'll see what we can do the next time we get together!

  6. How fun. It always makes me smile to think of the three of you together enjoying coffee and knitting and chatting and laughing. My friends call all the old lady medical talk, "the organ recital."

  7. one of the best posts ever! so glad you got all together!

  8. well dang! I missed the photo of you and Vera on Dee's blog, but at least I've seen all three of you. I LOVE that you're close enough to meet up in person, and no matter what you talk about, I'm sure it's wonderful! World peace is really just a bunch of meetups over coffee and knitting, talking about regular life. if only ....

  9. I'm envious that you get to meet up (in real life and in real time) with some of my favorite bloggers! What fun for all three of you!!! XOXO

  10. Oh, what fun!! It's been a while since I got together with... anyone. May need to take charge! ;)

  11. I love that you three got together and really wished I lived in the neighborhood so I could join you, too!


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