
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Unraveled Wednesday: 9/27/23

I'm joining Kat and fellow Unravelers today, for the final Unraveled Wednesday of September. In the spirit of Unraveled Wednesday, I did indeed have some lots of unraveling. I made a mistake on my Hitch on the Move, and like with my previous one, I started to tink back. Except I could not find a good place to stop and knit forward (just like before). I told myself I wasn't really sure that I liked these yarns together and I already had a Match & Move that I knit with them. So, I ripped out the whole thing and this is what it looks like now.

These balls of yarn can just sit in timeout until they learn to behave and I figure out what they want to be. 

I knit a few rows on my Hitchhiker, but I just wasn't in a Hitchhiker mood. Then I remembered a Stephen West pattern I bought a week or so ago, grabbed some dk yarn, and cast on. I even had to learn a new-to-me I-cord Tab Cast On, but it wasn't very difficult after watching the youtube video a couple of times. I'd like to present to you my (Not a Hitchhiker) Woolly Waffle Triangle: (ravelry link)

I love waffle stitch and have plenty of dk yarn left over from my Antler cardigan, so I was pleasantly surprised to find this pattern. It's surprisingly staid for one from Stephen West, and I also found several other shawls of his that have really lovely stitch patterns, like Dustland Shawl (another ravelry link). It's been damp, rainy, and with temperatures only reaching 60, I have some incentive to finish this so I can wear it soon!

I've been concentrating on reading Wellness this week. It's a longish book at 624 pages, but I'm almost done. It's so good that I don't want it to end. I just picked up The Bee Sting from the library, so that will be another long one that I hope will be just as good as Wellness

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Oh, Bonny! Your Not A Hitchhiker is really gorgeous! I LOVE waffle stitch patterns (both knitting them and the finished "fabric" of them), and that is just perfection. I may need to . . . check that out for myself. :-) And I'm reading Wellness, too == and loving it!!! (Although I have a long way to go before I finish.)

  2. Oh! I like that Waffle shawl - very pretty and I bet that will feel wonderful one of these chilly mornings. (Dustland is also very, very pretty.) So now I am tempted...thanks for that! I started The Bee Sting - only 50 pages in, but enjoying it so far.

  3. Oooh, would you look at that texture! I am surprised it's such a recent Stephen West design -- maybe he's getting back to his more subtle style from earlier in his career? I am also (still) reading The Bee Sting. I've got 160-ish pages left and would love to sit and just plow through it, but I keep getting interrupted (work is so annoying that way).

  4. the texture of that shawl is stunning!! I am Christmas knitting and am happy to be knitting short term projects.

  5. That's a beautiful stitch and it looks so squooshy and yummy in that color! Sorry about the unraveling, though.

  6. That's beautiful, Bonny! I used to love Stephen West's designs but he took a swerve somewhere a while back and so many designs were just too far out there for me! I was going to guess that Wooly Waffle was an older design -- happy to see that it's quite recent!

  7. Sounds like shawl season has arrived in your neck of the woods. I'm a little envious. The waffle stitch in that blue is gorgeous. That is going to be a nice warm shawl.

  8. Ooo! That Not a Hitchhiker is gorgeous! I love the color and the stitch pattern! (and the other West shawl link you shared is equally gorgeous!) I have been enjoying the couple of Claire Keegan's short stories I have read, they might be the perfect palate cleanser!

  9. Not a Hitchhiker is coming along nicely! and I've heard only good things about Wellness - it's on my October TBR. and I do hope you love Bee Sting - you might have some laundromat reading time and Bee Sting could be perfect for that.

  10. The Waffle shawl looks like it will do a most excellent job of keeping you cozy this winter!


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