
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Small Wins: January 2023


I haven't written about any small wins since September, and I've certainly had a few so it's definitely time. Ordinarily, when I take a photo to use here, I try to compose it a little bit and at least move the clutter out of the way. But this picture illustrates several of my small wins, so I'm keeping it. 

  • That notebook with my scribbling sitting on top of my Kindle is filled with my review notes for The Marriage Portrait. I read the book in October, so any details have gone completely out of my head. Given that I might need to ask my questions, presumably give my answers, and participate in the Read With Us book discussion on Wednesday night, I spent Tuesday re-reading and reviewing. I'm always a bit nervous before our discussions, but now I feel better prepared.
  • That blob of teal yarn is what I have knit on the Cloud Cover (ravelry link) sweater so far. Every day when I sit down to knit, I feel bad that I'm not working on the sweater. I have asked myself why, given myself an honest answer, and I have a plan to move forward. Once again, I feel better prepared. (More details at a later date.)
  • I set my tea mug in that spot almost every day, and almost every day John warns me that I'm going to spill it. I have been doing this for many years, and I'm happy to report that I have not (yet) spilled a drop. 
  • I cleaned out my clothing and filled three large boxes and one bag. I finally delivered the boxes and bags to Salvation Army last week. 
  • I cleaned out and organized my two chest freezers and two refrigerators. Now I can find what I'm looking for and don't have to go to the grocery store so often. (This was more of a big win!)
  • I also cleaned and organized all of my pantry shelves, got rid of the expired artichoke hearts, and took a bunch of canned soup to the local food pantry.
  • I found a box of raspberry bar mix in the pantry, so guess what we're having for dessert tonight? (Raspberry bars might be another big win!) 

I hope your week is going well and you have enjoyed several small (and large) wins!


  1. I'll bet that John thinks the reason you have never spilled your tea is because he warns you that it's going to happen!

    Many of the wins you've listed here aren't so small, and I'm giving you a series of high fives from afar for getting all those things done!

  2. What a great collection of small (and BIG) wins, Bonny! High five! Great success! :-) I also love seeing your "space" - just as it is. What a comfortable spot to knit and read (and not spill your tea). (And you've reminded me that I really, REALLY need to get to clearing out my pantry. I would consider that a huge win. . . ) XO

  3. I always get a rush out of cleaning things out, too... and I've taken a couple trips to Community Aid already this year!

  4. January feels like the right month to be clearing and cleaning the places that are always packed full. My desk is looking much more organized and I can see the top! But, I should tackle that pantry. My morning tea is beside me on my couch and I've only spilled a tiny bit once, but with a dark couch you can't tell! LOL Thank you for the discussion last night. I enjoyed it!

  5. Cleaning out & organizing are always BIG WINS!! Go you!

  6. Yay for you! I'm always warning.yelling at Fletcher about sh*t he puts on the couch (sodas, food, tissues, etc.), but it's a losing battle. LOL At least I can laugh (a little). All of these things are BIG wins Bonny. I cleaned out the basement shelves before Christmas and made a big donation to our local food pantry. Also I recently discovered some rather moldy food in the frig that I threw out. Things have a way of accumulating in there...I have things "gathered" in the guestroom to take to donation places (some clothes, some books). I thought last night's discussion was great!

  7. I'd be the one to spill the tea! I plan to get some cleaning and organizing done this month and you have given me the nudge I need to get to it!

    1. It's great being able to find things in the freezer and pantry! I bet you'll be glad you did your cleaning and organizing.

  8. I forgot to say that I really enjoyed last night's discussion, thank you for being one of the hosts!

    1. I also enjoyed our discussion and thank you for making time to attend. I always enjoy hearing your take on books!

  9. Like you I am a little nervous before joining a group but I did enjoy the discussion. You have some great wins here. You have inspired me to make a list and to clean out some clutter and straighten some nooks and crannies around the house. I love the photo. It looks like real life.

  10. Those are great small wins. I really really need to clean out my freezer!

  11. I cleaned out the pantry last weekend and my goodness, that is a task and a half! I found lots of "treasures" in there, lol! And I think your "mouse" is telling your tea mug to behave, electronics are nearby! Haha!

  12. I love seeing your 'spot' and what is there to be near your! I need to clean out and EAT what is in the freezer...ugh.


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