
Monday, August 22, 2022

What This Blog Needs

As I was mulling over the possibilities of things to write about, I thought, "You know what this blog needs? More poetry!" That may not be the most popular answer, but since I haven't posted a poem all summer (not since June 2), it's long past time for one. Here's one that I think works well for a Monday morning, and I think it's better than telling you about my boring weekend (laundry, vacuuming, accompanying John to pick up more free furniture, but that's a story for another day).

by Alex Dimitrov

I was just beginning
to wonder about my own life
and now I have to return to it
regardless of the weather
or how close I am to love.
Doesn’t it bother you sometimes
what living is, what the day has turned into?
So many screens and meetings
and things to be late for.
Everyone truly deserves
a flute of champagne
for having made it this far!
Though it’s such a disaster
to drink on a Monday.
To imagine who you would be
if you hadn’t crossed the street
or married, if you hadn’t
agreed to the job or the money
or how time just keeps going—
whoever agreed to that
has clearly not seen
the beginning of summer
or been to a party
or let themselves float
in the middle of a book
where for however briefly
it’s possible to stay longer than
you should. Unfortunately
for me and you, we have
the rest of it to get to.
We must pretend
there’s a blue painting
at the end of this poem.
And every time we look at it
we forget about ourselves.
And every time it looks at us
it forgives us for pain.


Dimitrov, Alex. "Monday." August 30, 2021, The New Yorker. 
You can read more about the poet here


And, just in case you'd prefer, here's a blue painting at the end of this poem so you don't have to pretend.

I hope your week is off to a good start!


  1. Perfect! I'll take a flute of champagne (maybe a little later in the day...because now I need to get on with it and get ready to head to work in a bit!). Let's hope this is a good week!

  2. All Mondays should include a flute of champagne! Thanks for sharing this -- just what I needed to start off the day!

  3. A great poem for today - thanks!

  4. A perfect poem to begin the week!

  5. A lovely Monday morning post full of things to ponder this week between chores and obligations. I love this poem, and Starry Night is a great reminder of the beauty and mystery of the natural world. Thank you, Bonny! Set your intentions and have a good week.

  6. perfection! and of course EVERY blog needs more poetry :-) (also still hoping you're making progress on the roof repairs that aren't going to run into serious 5-digit territory)

  7. This is exactly what I needed to start my Tuesday that feels like a Monday! *and I think we should all have more poetry! Maybe a Gathering of Poetry for bloggers who are interested? Say once a quarter? Once a month? :)

  8. I'm always up for MORE POETRY! Thanks for sharing this poem, Bonny. I'll look forward to reading more poetry here, too. XO

  9. I love Mondays because it's the start of a new week (I do not start on Sunday that is a weekend :) lovely poem!

  10. What a wonderful poem. The painting that goes with it is also an excellent visual. Thank you. Perfect for a Monday, even if I didn't read it until Tuesday.


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