
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

It's a New Book Announcement!

We know that many of you have been anxious to hear what the next Read With Us title is so you could read it for Summer Book Bingo. I hope that this one will fit into a square for you, and if not, I hope you'll be inclined to read it anyway. 

We considered several books, and Kym asked book consultant extraordinaire (hi, Margene!) for a few recommendations. We noted that several of you already have this book on your tbr lists or are even reading it now, so we agreed on this one fairly quickly and unanimously.

It's Unsettled Ground by Claire Fuller. 

I love this cover and I hope that the story contained within is just as good. I'll admit that I've been a little wary of Claire Fuller ever since I read Our Endless Numbered Days. I found that book unsettling and horrendous, but the reviews for this one are much better. (I checked multiple sources!)

Unsettled Ground was available from the Elkton library with only a short wait. The Kindle version is $12.99 from Amazon, and the audio version is available from Audible. Don't forget about your local independent book store if you're lucky enough to have one.

We'll be doing promotional posts in July, with the blog and Zoom discussion of the book scheduled for Tuesday September 14th. I hope you'll Read (Unsettled Ground) With Us! 


  1. Sounds like an interesting one. I read the author's book Bitter Orange and thought it was well done.

    1. I've only read the first chapter so far, and it's intriguing ... I hope the rest of the book follows suit.

  2. Hmmm, I find myself picking up books or getting them on Overdrive by this author and then end up never reading them...

  3. I am on the waitlist...may it move ever so quickly!

  4. Hmmm, I am not intrigued, but I seem to have very different taste in books that you guys. But then again, that' why they make chocolate and vanilla!

  5. I’m in the wait list and also have just loaded Bitter Orange. Great choice Bonny!

  6. I *just* read it and really enjoyed it. I found the beginning (maybe the first half or so) to be somewhat depressing, but -- without giving any spoilers -- it does improve, and I found the end to be very hopeful. The best thing I can say is that while reading it, I really thought it would be good to talk about with others, so I think this is an excellent choice!


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