
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Unraveled Wednesday

I'm joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday, with one Creamsockle sock finished and the second one cast on. Kitchener almost kicked my butt, but I prevailed in the end. I need to knit the second sock quickly so I don't forget the sock skills I've recently remembered. I haven't been doing a lot of knitting as I've been concentrating on taxes (boo!), reading (yay!), and more walking (hooray!) 

I finished several books this week; two of them were from Netgalley. I receive an Advance Reader's Copy from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I had three Netgalley books on my virtual shelf, so I thought it would be a good idea to actually finish and review them so I would continue to be approved for new books in the future. One was A Place Like Home, a collection of previously published short stories by Rosamunde Pilcher. The Shell Seekers will always hold a special place in my heart, so I was anxious to read this. It was a 4-star book for me, with an extra star probably just because they were written by Rosamunde Pilcher. 

Everyone In This Room Will Someday be Dead was also a 4-star book. I initially chose this one because I thought the cover was interesting and the title was intriguing. It's the story of a gay, atheist woman in her late 20s who is suffering from profound anxiety and depression. It's not a light-hearted book although there are some humorous and poignant moments. I thought it was a genuine portrayal of someone suffering from depression. 

And then there is Klara. I was excited to read Klara and the Sun because the author is Kazuo Ishiguro and the premise sounded both interesting and original. The first part of the book was quite good as the reader is introduced to Klara (an Artificial Friend) and her unusual abilities, but for me it devolved into a YA-type of romance. Since this is science fiction, I think detailed world-building is important, but I found it quite weak and could only muster 2.5 stars. (Your mileage may vary!)

If you are interested in reading my more detailed reviews on goodreads, just click on the book in the right-hand sidebar. 

What are you making and reading this week?


  1. Your sock is lovely! (and that kitchner... yeah, it is easy to get off track) That Klara though... what a rabbit hole of a book. I liked Klara, but those people around her? Not so much. It was so unsettling to read and consider their solution for the sick child. It is a book that I keep thinking about... most certainly!

  2. Love your creamsicle sock - gorgeous yarn and a nice sock too! Kitchner doesn't usually bother me and I enjoy it, but last night as I eared the end all the stitches slipped off the two needles. A few words may have been uttered. Luckily I got them back on and finished up. But whew! Between your review and Kat's, I think I will skip Klara.....

  3. Hooray for a finished sock! Here's where I admit that I'm a bit of a geek and LOVE to Kitchener, though I can certainly understand how it trips people up.

    I hadn't heard much about Klara and the Sun, but I think it's one I can wait to read now that I've heard your review.

  4. I just finished a pair of socks and I'm thisclose to finishing my shift cowl. It will be time to start something new this weekend, I hope!

  5. pretty sock! and it does look exactly like a creamsicle but I never at them I opted for fudge once ;)

  6. I just love that sock, Bonny. It brings me warm feelings of childhood summers . . . crowding around the ice cream truck . . . waiting for my Creamsicle! :-) And I'm sad to hear that Klara was . . . disappointing. I think I'll just skip that one!

  7. I've made that sock! (Is the yarn a little stretchy almost?) It look great Bonny. Reading...nothing...knitting a sock. Work is pretty stressful right now and brain power is at a minimum! Though retirement...10/15/21...official!

  8. I love that sock, Bonny, and I love creamsicles as well. Yes, hurry, hurry and finish that second sock before you lose your mojo. I have a choice of 2 new books to start, and I can't decide. Maybe I need a day or two off from reading.

  9. The Creamsockle looks great. I find I have to Kitchner the toes of socks when I am able to do nothing but knit. Interesting book reviews too. I think I am going to pass on Klara and the Sun. I bought a copy of The Midnight Library but set it aside wondering what all the hype is about. I plan to try again this summer.

  10. I LOVE your sock and trust you'll have a pair soon! I'm a little discouraged to see all the mediocre reviews for Klara today ... I think I have a slightly higher tolerance for science fiction and I just adore his writing. we'll see!

  11. Since I didn't enjoy Never Let Me Go I don't think Klara is for me. Thank you for your honest review of all 3 books. I trust what you have to say about books.

  12. PS. I LOVE that sock and hope you never suffer from SSS.


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