
Monday, November 18, 2019

Sometimes Monday ...

... is for blossoms, 


and more to come!

Be sure to join us for the Read With Us book discussion - Week 3 - over at Carole's tomorrow!  


  1. Such a beautiful way to start my Monday!

  2. How pretty! I keep talking to my Christmas Cactus and telling it how much I love it...but so far no buds this year...

  3. So pretty! I'm so excited to have a couple of blooming holiday cacti of my own this year!

  4. One of my Christmas cacti is blooming like crazy right now, and the other one hasn't got a bud yet. (But soon, I'm sure.) Yours are just lovely. I really like the pale colored blooms. (Mine are that bright pinky-purple color.)

  5. Mine was living in our bathroom and I moved it to the bedroom (both cat free) and it's blossoming. If only Holly would not eat plants.. Your's is the prettiest pale pink :)

  6. Beautiful! We've got one starting to bloom as well. Always a bonus to round the corner and see that happening!

  7. it looks like you'll be enjoying blossoms, buds, and more to come for a good many days!

  8. Oh the lipstick (nicknamed plant) plant. I had one for years and its blooms were lovely. I don't have one anymore so I'll enjoy yours

  9. Your blossoms are exquisite! My plant is still producing like crazy and I've enjoyed the show. I would love one with blossoms the color of yours!


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