
Monday, March 4, 2019

Sometimes Monday ...

... is beautiful. Which I can better appreciate now that all the shoveling is done in NJ.

Time to head to MD and see what needs to be cleared off down there. Maybe it will all be melted by the time I arrive (before the frigid temperatures begin for the rest of the week).

Hope your week is off to a good start!


  1. I love it when it snows and then the sun comes out like this! My commute in was a bit slippery, but I was glad to see the sun.

    Safe travels!

  2. Fresh snow is so pretty (after the shoveling. . . ). And the best thing about snow in March is that it usually doesn't stick around for too long. (We have that cold here already.) (Sigh.) XO

  3. Winter seems to be hanging on - hope the melting season comes very soon.

  4. A balmy -9 with windchill of -25 here this morning, but the sun is shining and I don't have to venture forth!

    1. It's supposed to get cold here beginning tomorrow, but not that cold! Stay warm!

  5. Our March snow is beginning to melt away. My snowdrops are almost uncovered and they're still beautiful! I hope you have a warming trend soon!

  6. Pretty pictures. My back roads were closed today, so I wasn't able to drive through Valley Forge Park on my way to work...but it was still a pretty commute. Good luck in MD (looked like a lot of it might have been rain down there?). Safe travels and hope you had a great weekend!

  7. Safe travels, Bonny! It is sunny, mostly clear, and very cold here this morning!!

  8. I hope the snow's all melted by the time you get to MD!!

    We're having major problems with ice around here and the stores are all out! It's a cold start to the week, but warming by week's end and mid- to upper-30s for the weekend will be most welcome.

  9. I hope the snow is melted or that some good samaritan does it for you! Either way, have a happy week. At least the sun is shining! It is very cold here, clear and sunny. I am ready for spring!

  10. Beautiful shots! And I hope you've arrived to a snow-less MD. Have a good week...we'll be in the frozen tundra up here!

  11. It is so cold here but the sun is wonderful. Just to see it is happy for me. I d take this over 40s and rain ANY DAY. I did slip at the barn but caught myself and it was not a full slip! Man that barn was cold however. Stay safe and knit on

    1. It's supposed to get cold here tomorrow and for the next three days, but somehow it may not feel so bad if the sun is shining and there is a clear blue sky. Stay warm and safe at the barn!

  12. We got very little in NYC but quite a bit at home. I was on a train, though, and the shoveling was all done before I got home!

  13. beautiful! It was beautiful here and I loved how the trees looked with the snow on them.


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