
Monday, February 19, 2018

Catching Up

This was a weekend for catching up - with errands, laundry, ironing, and work. Don't worry; I'm not going to bore you with photos of those things. There was also snow, and I did take loads of pictures of its beauty.

There was a funny photo from catching up with family (I don't know what they were talking about, but it looks interesting) and a very sweet baby.

There was some catching up with knitting - binding off and returning to a well-loved project.

I could have used a longer weekend to catch up on everything that I have to do, so I better get started on the rest of it now. Hope your week ahead is a good one!


  1. Yay for a bind-off!! The sow was gorgeous, wasn't it? And now...it's supposed to hit 70 tomorrow and Wednesday!!

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend to me. We had snow, too, but it is melting quickly!

  3. Glad you're catching up... that Hitchhiker is looking so good!

  4. Your photos of the snow on the trees are gorgeous! Your hitchhiker is looking good too, I really like the colors!

  5. Your snow photos are just beautiful, Bonny! We had snow (again) on Saturday night . . . now it is warming quickly and raining. LOVE your Hitchhiker. That blue is just stunning. (And has Justin tried out the cowl yet???) Hope your to-do list gets shorter quickly. XO

  6. I thought about you this weekend with all those snow predictions for your area. Your snow pictures are lovely, but I hope it doesn't hang around too long. Glad it did not keep you from making your appointed rounds! That's pretty much what I did this weekend as well - catch up. You got the cowl finished, and soon we will be seeing a finished Hitchhiker. I have not been knitting much, but reading a lot. I hope you have a fabulous week, Bonny. Let's be grateful this week, yeah?

    1. It was really ideal snow -- about 4-6", but on Saturday night so it wasn't disruptive, not too hard to clear from the sidewalk and driveway, and really beautiful! We've got rain today, and temperatures nearing 70 tomorrow and Wednesday. That's certainly something to be grateful for! I need to block Justin's cowl and take some photos before I send it to him, but I'm also grateful to get back to that hitchhiker. Wishing you a wonderful week, Becky!

  7. Awwww. I LOVE YOUR TATTOO and that baby !!!

    1. That's actually my sil with the tattoo. She keeps trying to talk me into getting one, but I haven't yet been as brave as she was. :-)

  8. The good side of sad occasions is the coming together with family and friends. Your snow pictures are more visually appealing than the current snowy picture outside my window. We're heading into a week of freezing temps, quite a rude awakening after our balmy winter. I see Hitchhiker! Yay!

  9. You should have a little contest. Caption this photo (using the one with the lady and the man). I bet you would get some funny responses.

    Your snow photos are gorgeous! I loved watching it melt off the trees in our woods. It looked like sparkles falling from the trees.

  10. Every weekend should include a cute baby

  11. Wonderful snow photos ... and what an adorable little one - I hope you got some snuggle time! Happy to see the knitting - so looking forward to blue sky photos of that hitchhiker (just like I know you are, too!) Happy Monday!

  12. Stunning snow photos, Bonny! Wow... so gloriously beautiful! We had a bit of snow also but today it all melted! I hope your week is sunny and bright - in all things! XO

  13. Such pretty snow photos. And what a darling little baby. I love the expression on his/her face - so bright and alert. I see the blue hitchhiker. Hooray. Have a good week.

  14. Our snow on Sunday was beautiful too and it was great to finally get out and do some snow shoeing. I've been getting a bout of cabin fever = I'm crabby so it helped a lot! Glad you had some family time and knitting time...though there is never enough time for it all!

  15. the way you captured the light behind the tree, gorgeous!! sounds like a nice weekend even though the weather was wonky and you are grieving still.


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