
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Three on Thursday

Joining Kat and Carole for Three on Thursday.

1.  Decisions, decisions. We went out to dinner with friends last night, and the place they chose had an ambitious menu with lots of interesting choices. Kangaroo with purple smashed potatoes or maybe a wild boar or llama burger? I decided on wild boar and it was delicious. 

2.  My sourdough starter is coming along well with lots of bubbles and a lovely, yeasty smell. I'm still feeding it and waiting for it to develop a nice sour tang, and will maybe bake my first loaf with it next week. 

3.  Our town is hosting five Seward Johnson sculptures. I have some opinions and may write a longer post about them someday, but my first thought on finding this one was that this poor disgruntled woman might be a good model when I'm ready for some gradient hitchhiker photos. Yet another reason to get knitting so I finish before we have to return the sculptures.

Read other Three on Thursday posts here.


  1. I am envious of your sour dough. I have tried twice but apparently I do not possess the sour dough starter gene. Either that or my house is too cold. Nothing is more pitiful than a sour dough brick.

    But, the grocery laden woman is quite interesting!

  2. She DEFINITELY needs a Hitchhiker around her neck! Several years ago, I was in a serious bread-making phase. (Tom wishes I'd get into that phase again, by the way.) Anyway, I made a great sourdough starter. It lasted for months, until I had a particularly busy week and it . . . well, soured. I may try again this winter. XO

  3. My husband makes pretty amazing sourdough bread - I hope yours will be successful.

    I love the idea of the disgruntled model - I'm sure she would NOT approve, which would make it all the better!

  4. I went out to dinner with friends last night and our menu choices were boring compared to the one you had! Good luck with your sourdough!

  5. Interesting meal choices! Hope your bread turns out. I've attempted to make it several times but I'm a Horrible bread mamma and always forget to take care of it.

  6. Oh I love that your town will have some of those sculptures! You don't have to go to Grounds for Sculpture...but that would be an awesome place for some knitting snaps, huh?

    The menu looks great! I think I would have picked the wild boar as well. I've heard it is delicious.

    I love to make bread...the old fashioned way...kneading, etc. More frequently I use my bread machine, but the whole kneading thing I find to be very meditative. I'm not a fan of sourdough bread though, so I've never made that. Hope yours turns out great!

  7. I don't know if I could eat kangaroo and I definitely don't think I'd be up for llama! That sculpture is very cool. Maybe your hitchhiker will make her smile!

  8. I gave up bread a few years ago, and I don't miss store bought bread at all. But homemade is a different story. I used to make all my own bread, and I miss it, but I don't miss the calories. Doesn't wild boar taste gamy? I'm interested in your comments on the sculptures.

    1. The wild boar wasn't gamy at all, more like a delicious cross between pork and beef. NJ has some stringent rules about game meat in restaurants and for sale. They also had elk, venison, and a yak special, and the waiter said they were raised on USDA-inspected ranches, so I assumed the boar was also. He did say the kangaroo was imported from Australia, so I guess that means there aren't many kangaroo ranches in the US. :-)

  9. Oh wow. I'd have gone Wild Boar or Kobe, don't think I could eat Kangaroo or Llama... I have a hard time with Goat and Lamb sometimes (but they're both delicious). Annie accidentally ate Horse in Spain... she wouldn't have if she'd been able to read the menu (or asked)!

    It's been a long time since I had a starter to care for (and use)! Mmmm, bread.

    I am pretty sure that Grocery Lady would look less disgruntled with a Hitchhiker 'round her neck! We have some beautiful bronze sculptures mere steps from the coffee shop, but I've only used them as knitwear models once or twice!

  10. I haven't been anywhere with an exotic menu in far too long! I love the Grocery Lady! ;)

  11. We went to the Seward Johnson sculpture garden in New Jersey some years back and loved it. It was so fun to pop up in the middle of well-known paintings.

  12. She certainly looks like she could use a little bit of brilliant blue cozy after her day of drudgery shopping. You'll give her a much needed boost. Get knitting'!

  13. I can't wait to see that hitchhiker modeled! Boar and kobe yes...llama and kangaroo...no! Have a nice weekend! And clearly that lady doesn't have any spirits in her bag!


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