
Friday, September 8, 2017

Speaking of Tomatoes ...

Kat's Pickled Tomatoes are delicious! I tasted two of them last night, and they have a delightful pickle/tomato flavor combination with a wonderful crispness. I haven't yet made a bloody mary because I have to do a lot of driving today (with my mil in the car). A breakfast cocktail sounded like a very bad idea, but I am definitely trying one this evening.

And I have another entry in the delicious tomato department. Yesterday's visit to the garden produced a few tomatoes, peppers, and baby zucchini, but I didn't know quite what to do with them until I remembered Vicki's Roasted Tomato Sauce. (Click on the link for Vicki's recipe, and be sure to scroll down so you can see her gorgeous Parcheesi as she started seaming!)

This was perfect because I didn't have a lot of any one vegetable, but it still turned out wonderfully, especially when I threw in the mushrooms I've been meaning to use. I think it's beautiful before roasting ...

and looks, smells, and tastes divine after roasting. I think dinner tonight might just be some crusty bread spread with this sauce, accompanied by a bloody mary with pickled tomatoes. Heaven!


  1. Vicki's roasted tomato sauce to the rescue for all of those yummy vegetables! Hooray!

  2. Vicki's roasted tomato sauce is ALWAYS a good idea! :-)
    (If I were driving my mil, I'd need a Prozac drip.) (Just sayin.)

  3. I am having some of those tomatoes for lunch today! AND they will be on the happy hour spread too!

  4. So, I can be over by around 6:30 or 7 tonight - LOL. I've printed out Vicki's recipe - looks sooooo very good. Enjoy your tasty dinner and have a relaxing evening.

  5. I've made SO many pot worth of Vicki's Roasted Sauce. I don't think I would survive tomato season without it! We have summer all winter because of it.

  6. Oh my goodness, I wish I could visit for dinner tonight!! I almost always take a "before" photo of the sauce before it goes into the oven -- it's always a different combo and so colorful & pretty?!

  7. YUM! That sounds like a perfect eating plan for the day, and a perfect way to end a busy day. Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. It was the perfect solution, and I'm so happy to have a batch of this delicious sauce in my refrigerator! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  8. I have got to make those pickled tomatoes, and that sauce! My mouth is watering!

  9. I love that kind of dinner with or without the alcohol. I miss bread terribly. I am able to have just a tad but not much. Anyhow, I think your dish looks divine

  10. Oh, it all looks delicious. and I hope the Bloody Mary was too!


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