
Monday, July 3, 2017

All Politics is Local

"I'm not the person who has drawn a line in the sand here". Yup, he actually said that. 

At least in New Jersey on this Fourth of July weekend, because our esteemed governor, Chris Christie (remember him?) and the state legislature could not come up with a signed budget by June 30th. This meant that on July 1st, the state was effectively "closed". Yes, the state police, NJ Transit, and casinos are still open, but all state parks, beaches, the DMV, state courts, unemployment, disability, and all other "nonessential" state services are closed until these guys can get their act together and do the job they were elected to do.

Needless to say, many people were incredibly unhappy and angry that the state beaches were being closed on this long weekend, including the Cub Scouts that had to leave Island Beach State Park, business people in shore towns, and possibly even the 30,000-50,000 nonessential state workers who are not getting paid. Justin took a day off and came home to register a motorcycle, but that isn't going to happen with the DMV closed.

But wait, it looks like there might be some people enjoying the usually packed beach all by themselves!

It's Chris Christie and his family, spending the weekend and enjoying the sun and sand at the closed beach!

Christie's current favorable rating in NJ is only 15%, so I think with this maneuver he's officially done caring and
 aiming for a single digit favorable before he leaves office in January 2018. With stunts like this, I bet he'll succeed.


  1. Unbelievable! Here in Illinois, we are going on toward three years without a budget. The state legislature finally came to an agreement yesterday, both parties finally working together, but our governor is threatening to veto it! I hope they are able to pass it in the state senate with enough votes to prevent a veto. It will take Illinois years to get out of this mess!

  2. oh GAH! at least you got to see Justin! (and wow, I didn't think anyone could have approval ratings lower than POTUS)

  3. He's a special snowflake, errr, grain of sand in this case?, and he gets his own private beach. What an asshat.

  4. Wow, just wow. Public Servant is a true oxymoron when describing him. Truer words are that the public is his servant. Thankfully, his days are numbered however, that does not make it easier for NJ. It is no wonder that the public does not trust politicians.

  5. amazing. I keep wondering when the news will not shock me and yet it continues...

  6. I just CAN'T anymore.
    (And here in Michigan, the people in Flint are having to pay their water bills . . . for poison water they can't drink.)

  7. Every day is more astounding than the last. I can't even type what I really want to say (and just said out loud)! Grrrrr

  8. I particularly found his rejoinder interesting, " so run for Governor, and you can have this house on the beach". Yes, he actually said that. I know I am preaching to the choir here, but the people keep electing these contemptible people. WAKE UP, America! PAY ATTENTION!

  9. It's a circus everywhere. And not a fun one.

  10. He's just a horrible human being. And his remarks following...just ugh.


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