
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sunday Selection

A friend shared this on facebook after the election, and said it was a quote that has served her well throughout her life, during all the challenging times we all inevitably face. Eleanor Roosevelt's words speak to me also, certainly about the horror that was the election and other more personal things that I may think I cannot do. Fear is what I am feeling and I must face that fear. Eleanor was an extraordinarily strong woman and a knitter, so I've got this on my refrigerator and will try to take it to heart often. 


  1. Eleanor Roosevelt was wise and wonderful. Thanks for sharing this quote, I love it.

  2. One of my very favorites, too. And just what I need to begin this day. XO

  3. wise words from a wise woman who certainly saw and lived through more than I can imagine... thank you for sharing it!

  4. Perfectly said. Thank you for sharing this at a time we need it most.

  5. Fantastic words to think about this week! Thank you so much for sharing!

  6. I need to print that out for my fridge... she was an amazing woman. I know I've read about her in the past -- I cut my reading teeth, so to speak, on biographies, especially about First Ladies -- but I'm sure there's been something more amazing since 6th grade. ;)

  7. Thank you for sharing these very wise words!


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