
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ten on Tuesday

The Ten on Tuesday topic for today is 10 Ways to Help a New Mom. We've had a few babies born in our family during the past year, and we're expecting another one later in October, but we are all scattered throughout the country so I wasn't close enough to help directly. Here is some of the help I received (and greatly appreciated!) or would have loved as a new mom myself.

  1. Bring meals - My mother-in-law brought us food for the first two weeks after both of my children were born. It wasn't every day, but it was absolutely wonderful to know that there were casseroles, stuffed shells, and meatloaf in the refrigerator if I couldn't manage dinner on my own. (Like those days that I could barely brush my teeth or take a shower.)
  2. Hold the baby - So the new mom can brush her teeth and take a shower. 
  3. Offer help with laundry, washing dishes, or vacuuming - My mother came over a few times to take care of some of the laundry. I was determined to use cloth diapers, so the help was terrific.
  4. Take the older kid(s) off her hands for a while - A nap for mom while the baby sleeps is much easier if you've taken the older kids to the library for a bit.
  5. Run some errands - Do some quick grocery shopping, stop by the dreaded post office, or pick up the dry cleaning. Any of these would benefit the new mother's whole family.
  6.  Ask the new mom what you can do to help - She may suggest some things that you wouldn't have thought of, and it's always nice to have your help actually be helpful.
  7. Text when you're at the drug store, Target, or Costco - "I'm at Walgreens right now. What do you need?"
  8. Gift the new mother with something soothing and pampering just for her - Lavender shower gel, good hand cream, cocoa butter, or maybe some really delicious chocolates and tea could help deal with some of the sleep deprivation.
  9. Help with seasonal jobs - Depending on the time of year that the baby is born, you could mow the lawn, rake leaves, shovel snow, bake Christmas cookies, or wrap some gifts. 
  10. Knit - This one has to be planned ahead, but I can't leave it off the list. I think all babies (and new moms) deserve at least one hand knit item. 
It takes some time for a new mom (and baby) to adjust to the big changes in their lives, even if the mother has done it before. With a little help, they can ease gently into their new life together.


  1. Terrific suggestions, Bonny.

  2. #4 was such a life saver for me - and it helped the older children feel like they were getting something special! And, yes, knitting is a vital element! Love you list Bonny!

  3. Such an excellent list! I love that you included the seasonal jobs issue -- because that can be huge (especially at certain times of the year).

  4. I love #7 too. I've got a baby blanket going right now...baby due 6/16/16 (that would be a great date to be born!)so I think I'm in good shape. Actually such good shape that I'm sick of it want to move on!

  5. wonderful list! and just as appropriate now as it was 20 or 30 years ago. I left knitting off mine because I'd need a whole 10 ideas just for that ;-)


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