
Monday, October 5, 2015

Homeward Bound

This is a beautiful song, sung beautifully. I promised myself I wouldn't listen to it while he was gone, but Justin left Montana yesterday and is now homeward bound. Since he's out west, he decided to stop and visit Ryan in Colorado. The first eight hundred miles of his trip are completed, and I was glad to receive his text (even at 1:08 am).

Only 1,803 miles to go!


  1. Safe travels to him and calming thoughts to you while you wait.

  2. Those check-in texts are oh-so welcome, aren't they? (And that rendition of Homeward Bound is just spine-tingling. Thank you.)

  3. It's always worrisome when our kids are on the road. Here's to a safe journey home!

  4. what a beautiful recording - thank you for sharing it! and safe travels to Justin... hope you've had a few more check-in texts by now!


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